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telepathy/psychic abilities whilst stoned :D

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by thebirdmachine, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Cool story

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  2. do you really want to be that guy?
    anyway, telepathy exists, at least to an extent. I'd bet my life on it.

    and BagPiper420-- my cousin claims to have had a dream about planes crashing into buildings on the night of September 10th, 2001. And she is as truthful as they come...
  3. Fuck dude this is not just strange, I started a thread on how this exact situation happend to me and another friend when partaking shrooms. Science cannot ever describe the mysteries of life including telepathy.

  4. so now i'm not allowed to post a pic that i thought was funny and possibly make other stoners laugh? so yes, i do wanna be that guy.
  5. I feel that I can notice peoples behaviors a lot more when I'm stoned, kind of helps me analyze how they're feeling.
  6. I Have dreams of people dying and im not one of them im just a ghost there and i feel how cold it is everything i dreampt of a plane crash i was there watching everyone freaking out listening to the pilots announcment and it crashed and then i woke up , and on the news there had been a plane crash in the exact same situation in the same place :(

    Another one was when i was a boy i was sitting in the back of a car in my dream and it crashed, everyone died i had witnessed the whole events and then i woke up and there had been a car crash , it's horrible i still happens just not as often and it allways ends up being real.
  7. I don't know about becoming psychic per say, however I do find meditation easier. It may just be the high but I feel like I'm more in tune with the flow of energy around me. That and I can read people's emotions and body language more easily.
    I also become very creative. I sew, crochet, and embroider as an out let for it. My friends also do costuming for conventions and ren faires and use me for ideas and construction ideas.
    I suspect smoking enhances the more creative parts of the brain and to some degree the parts of the human mind that let us instinctively understand or judge other people.

    I do suspect it varies a lot from person to person since no one's brain functions identically.

  8. honey badger dont give a shit:smoke:
  9. I have that ability as well
  10. This happened to me last night with my boyfriend!!! The exact same thing and I can't explain it too him because he just keeps calling me crazy and will not believe me because he thinks he was asleep but he was awake he was just in a trance and I would tell him to do something in my mind and he would do it and it was the craziest thing but he doesn't remember any of it and I do, I just can't grasp it hahahah craziest high of my life
  11. Science can describe the mysteries of life that involve the math behind it, but things that dont need math- like telepathy- pshyic abilities only pshycedelics take you into another world ignorant people never know exists.
  12. [quote name="bagpiper420" post="3169735" timestamp="1224377290"]I don't like talking about this because, well, even I think I'm nuts because of it, but I've inadvertently predicted, with surprising accuracy, a number of major events and innumerable minor ones. I never say to myself "Oh, ____ is going to happen" but a few times a week something simple happens, whether it be a song on the radio or a conversation I have, that I had thought of just hours before, and sometimes less than that. Major events have included George Harrison's death, 9/11, the plane crash in Rockaway, Queens on Veteran's Day in '01, and the Space Shuttle Columbia breaking up as it reentered the atmosphere. I had been on Ronald Reagan's Wikipedia entry the morning he died (before the news had been announced) and came home to find the page still up, and still saying he was alive until I hit reload; that was one of the few times I've had tangible proof of my odd coincidences, or whatever you want to call them.This might seem like a rather "cool" trait, but it's not. Any morbid, or less-than-happy thoughts about particular people in my life, usually while trying to fall asleep, result in a terrible paranoia and insomnia, because I worry that it might come true, even though anything I ever think I'm predicting rarely verify.Since I started smoking, the frequency of these has definitely increased. Prior to that the minor but frequent "predictions" rarely happened (as far as I can remember) but as I said it has now become a weekly-or-more occurrence.I don't enjoy it, I don't pride myself in it, but it's the truth. And if I hadn't just :smoke: I wouldn't be sharing[/quote]I'm actually familiar with what you're talking about. I can only think of one major event but here it is. I was about 10 years old at the time, my sister (who was in her 20's) was driving me home. There was a white van in front of us and the whole time that we approached it I couldn't stop thinking "It's going to swerve and hit us". Right enough when my sister goes to pass the van it jerks towards us. Luckily it didn't hit us, although it was still very traumatic, my sister had only just passed her driving test and if we had been hit it could've been fatal. After that I tried not to linger on negative thoughts too much in case they actually happened...
  13. Congratulations, you drew a bad picture of two people looking at each other.

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