Teen Pot Smoking Linked to IQ Decline In Later Years

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by ninja42, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Legalization maybe for medical reasons, but I don't think it'll just be sold in stores like bag of chips.... or whatever. But, yes you have a point. Propaganda plays a big part in "studies" and the news.
  2. When I smoke a lot, I feel an uncomfortable disconnect with reality, and my thoughts 'swim' more than they stay streamlined. It's hard to focus.

    As such, smoking pot does make me feel slower and dumber, but only during heavy use.
  3. I started smoking regularly at age 13. I'm now 21 and I don't really know what I have to say about this. I don't feel any dumber than my peers. I have. 3.4 gpa in college. not too bad I guess.
  4. That is the point made at Drug WarRant,,the study shows no drop in IQ for recreational users,which most people are,,only doing it in small amounts daily is not a heavy user,so this study even if correct,does not justify the government's imprisonment in jails or rehab centers over marijuana use.:bongin:
  5. I have smoked for well over 40 years. I started using in my late teens. My brain still works better than most!

  6. It definitely depends on if you overdo it or not. I definitely wouldn't like my kids smoking heavily during their teen years.
  7. page not found but i heard on natgeo that people who start smoking weed by age 15 are 4X more likely to develop psychosis..........
    It's 4x more likely that i'll go insane oh shit
  8. i mean i doubt it really does lower your IQ..if i took an IQ test blazed out of my mind i wouldn't do as good as i would sober though.., but one thing i will say is ive smoked hella for like 5 years now, and i just dont give a fuck about anything that "normal" people should care about... including people saying i have a low IQ cause i burn, because as far as i can see they're the dumbasses.
  9. These studies are always from Britain or a commonwealth of the UK and if marijuana caused a loss of IQ then with marijuana use rising across the planet,,why is IQ,according to educational surveys,rising?

    And since use of marijuana has increased substantially,why is schizophrenia remaining at the same percentile of population?

    You can't have it both ways unless you are speaking about marijuana.

  10. how the hell did you hide that shit from your parents man
  11. Awesome question. My suspicions are that many pharma interests are in the UK (GW and their "Sativex" for one.) They've failed to convince people pot is the devil (finally.) However, they still want the market control, and must convince everyone prohibition is still a "noble" cause still "saving" children and that raw cannabis is "too dangerous" for anyone to have except big pharma.

    "Safety" and "the children!!" once again...
  12. I smoke all i want man, if you are smoking and then one day u wake up and realize hey my brain isnt working to full function like it was yesterday.
    1. i should either exercise my brain more
    2. Stop smoking so often...

    I happen to use my brain everyday, just try to use ur head as much as u use weed...

  13. emphasis on "only during heavy use"

    the rest of the time life is good eh? and as far as uncomfortable disconnect, try to focus not on the feeling, but on how your experience is different. life's all about experiences man, as long as you're not hurting yourself, i figure why not :smoke:

  14. i agree man, the brain is just like another body part-the more you use it, the easier it is to have it perform the same task again. Think about it-how many of you, at will, could come up with some crazy music, artwork, or creative project. i would bet the percentage of pot-smokers that are actively creative is much higher than the number of sober people that aren't. weed doesn't cause your brain harm, it changes the way you use it.
  15. I find all these "factual statements" hilarious. Unless you underwtand the chemistry, biology and physics of cannabis on the brain, everytging you say is pointless.
  16. Notice its from a mainstream media outlet....

    Notice the title says "MAY" not "IT WILL"

    Notice how the drug is still illegal...so the only people that can really do tests on these sort of things are government agencies or private agencies the government contracts to study marijuana. I believe that hasn't been done in a long time.

  17. ^ This

    I started at 13 and my grades didn't drop or anything. My maths grades shot up from Ds/Cs to A*s at age 14/15 but aside from that my grades weren't effected.

    The only people I can think of that'll do worse at school cos they smoke weed is because they play video games or listen to music when they smoke instead of studying, but before weed they did that anyway, and academic people I know that started smoking at 14/15 still put study before it.
  18. #79 shestones, Sep 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2012
    I haven't had time to go read the whole study.. can anyone tell me if it was a controlled study?

    I've seen studies like these before and when they report about it they convieniently leave out the fact that the participants were not only using weed, but were also using other drugs.

    I started smoking about a month after turning 13. I smoked everyday (just about) for the next two years. I quit for two years after that. I've been smoking just about everyday since then. I'm 18 now, almost 19, and I graduated early. I tested into college level english and the highest reading level in the beginning of my senior year. I'm in college now, a full time student taking 6 classes. I feel like marijuana has helped me in many areas. I used to be a terrible artist, but when I smoke and draw my work comes out much better. I'm better at math and science when I'm high as well. I focus better when I'm high too. Instead of procrastinating I want to start getting shit done. There's times when I'm high and I have to stop myself from cleaning, I hate cleaning, but when I'm high I have the urge to get things in order. I also feel like I can make connections between things better when I'm high. It gives me a different perspective than I have when I'm sober, we all know that though.

    I believe that it is the individual along with other contributing factors (other drug use, environmental factors, and predisposed mental disorders) that make the difference. What do I know though? I'm not a scientist. I guess I'll just have to wait another 18 years to see if there's any adverse side effects because of my use at such a young age.
  19. if i may quote the article, "may have neurotoxic effects".
    neurotoxic is rather a strong word there, neuro something perhaps, but toxic? hmmm

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