Tee 8sh See

Discussion in 'General' started by FiveOnIt, Feb 1, 2011.

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  1. where abouts?
  2. banned, probably.

    Welcome to GC!
  3. he got banned, dunno why though. Ima guess for speaking his mind and putting somebody on blast. He was a good dude
  4. That's a shame. he was a great poster.
  5. Yeah, he was banned. He went off because another good member was banned and was banned as a result. It was a super shitty situation and he was a great member.

  6. mancrush!!

  7. Surely! I just miss the dude i, he was real
  8. He was banned like everyone said, I miss seeing his posts.
  9. #9 LegitBaller, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    he was too real for gc
  10. The question was answered so I'm going to close this before it gets out of hand. :p
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