
Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by manty420, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. I'm looking for techniques on how to keep my pieces clean. Is there like a home made solution that I can soak them in after each use? I love smoking, but I hate the look of a smoked bowl and dirty piece.

    Thanks guys!
  2. simple green for really dirty pieces and for overnight slide/d-stem soaking

    91% iso alcohol/salt for light daily cleaning of your tube
  3. 91% iso alco is good, iodine salt.

    if they are glass pieces, soak them in hot water (boiling temp)
    and then set them in a baggy filled with salt/alch...shake shake shake.
    usually always gets mine clean no matter how filthy they are..i just set them overnight.
  4. You soak your glass in boiling water?:confused:
  5. #5 gone4good, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
    yeah not a good idea.

    edit;just noticed youre not a "man"
  6. :confused_2: hmm interesting. nothing bad ever happens? I mean the glass is never cold when I put it in there, really it just loosens up all the gicky icky stuff.
  7. In addition to the good suggestions above, I have a friend who swears by Epsom salt baths for his glassware. I personally use the good old alcohol and salt mix. Also look into 420 Cleaner, I hear good things about it.

  8. Epsom? That's interesting. I'm googling and maybe trying that later haha...
  9. #9 PrettyLit, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2010
    I swear by, simple green & grunge off {your pick}
    leave it soaked for a while, then rinse it off with warm water & dawn.
    sparkling beautiful <3 like brand new.

    && both simple green & grunge off
    can be reused, just pour it back in the bottle.

  10. I must try it :D

  11. i like simple green. make sure to not dilute it and you can reuse over and over. a jug like the one pictured is like 6 bucks

  12. I've heard that some of the solutions you can find in your LHS work wonders, but I've always felt it a bit overboard when a homebrew way exists.

    I'm with the others that reccommend 91% iso alcohol and kosher (large grain) salt. Toss it in a baggy, shake shake shake, and scrape for the built up resin if you need to. I've been able to clean my glass like new every time with this method.
  13. Iso 91% and salt all the way. I cleaned a glass sherlock, that was clogged for years (yep!), after 1 day of initial cleaning, and the 2nd to fully remove all debris in it, it was the cleanest its been since buying it. not even my piece. always works,

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