technaflora nutrients

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by STONEDxMEXICAN, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. This the first time I put flowering nutrients,but not sure what percentage to put from success kit, any help G.C?
  2. Go to their website and it should have the info you need.
  3. If you have an ec meter, you want to stay around 0.8 to 1.3.
    If you don't have one, I strongly recommend getting one.
  4. A combination of organic and earth-friendly mineral-salt based plant nutrients is the key to the lineup of Technaflora products.You can visit following website for more details:
  5. Now I added my flower nutes and this the third week into flowerIng. Well my question is this after I added my nute mix and I was trying to get 1000 ppm but I only got to 850 what should I add to raise it up a little .. With technaflora... Any help out there would be highly appreciated

    " smoke on "
  6. I would leave it at 850 till your next res change as long as they thrive on the mix you have now.
    Don't sweat small differences such as this...keep it simple...and as always with nutes...little less is usually better than a little more
  7. [quote name='"deman81k"']I would leave it at 850 till your next res change as long as they thrive on the mix you have now.
    Don't sweat small differences such as this...keep it simple...and as always with nutes...little less is usually better than a little more[/quote]

    Yea I'm going to do that.... But should I be upping the nute solution at all during flowering ? And what should be my max Ppm I should have ?

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