
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HighSchool, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. Alright I know you've all had some teachers that have pissed you off, made you laugh, or made you cry; shit, maybe they even inspired you to become a better person.

    Your teachers, your stories, share 'em.

    My 5th grade teacher's name was Ms. Vargas. I didn't really have any beef with her but everyone , including me, would call her Ms. Vergas behind her back. Still puts a smile on my face.

    Oh and for any non-spanish speaking blades, verga means dick. Not very mature, I know, but again; 5th grade.
  2. lol
    my year 10 teacher was the fuckin best
    he was so seedy..
    one time me and a mate got in the back seat of his car when he was leaving for lunch and he didnt know till we were up the road outside the school, and he just droped us at my house, then me and my mate went and smoked :D
    he was also the best science teacher, everyone suspected that he was cookin up drugs in the back room of the sci lab..
    i wouldnt have been suprised if he did :p
  3. My Chem teacher and Physics teacher (two different dudes) were fucking awesome back in high school. They were the kind of dudes who would show up at our parties that we would throw. Chedm teacher would bring in his PS2 and we would play Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and that would be the whole class period... we didnt do shit lol.

    Chem teacher ended up getting ran out of town after one of the girls (the class slut, of course) in the grade below me accused him of sleeping with her. He was an awesome teacher and needless to say, she wasn't very popular after that. Funny thing is... he really did it. Lucky fuck... she was hot :D
  4. I remember in my old elementry school I had just moved into 1st grade and it was the first day and I was already causing my mom problems.. (crying, not wanting to go in, etc etc) - I intentionally missed the bus by walking slow when the bus showed up.. and she just drove off without me and my mom saw it and was like "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE, I'M DRIVING YOU IN!" - and she drove me in and I guess she was suppost to do that first of all cause the bus was for like kids in 4th - 5th - 6th grade. She drove me in and I was crying in her class while she was talking to parents and students, she hated me from there pretty much.

    All together, everyday I'd go to school, I'd praticially cry wolf and go to the nurse and tell her about a dozen or so things that were supposidly wrong with me just to go home, lol. She'd make me lay there for like 10 - 15 minutes then send me back to class.
  5. spanish teacher had a big nice ass. i would just fantazise about it. good times:smoking:
  6. my history teacher back in freshman year

    he was the shit, we always used to mess around in class. the whole year all we did was watch mtv, played psp's and ds's, listined to music, and rolled blunts + joints at the back of the class. then he let us out to find some place to smoke. it was tight cuz he had his own portable. he was a layed back teacher that pretty much let us do anything in class, then put up a fake grade depending on how we're close to him

    i got a 80 in his class without even writing my name on a paper once haha
  7. My 1st grade teacher. Mrs. Ohmey

    Was a genuine cunt
  8. my physics teacher in high school recently won survivor ;)
  9. When I was a sophomore in high school my math teacher thought that I cheated on a test because I guess the guy next to me copied my answers and he gave me a fucking zero on the test. He also refused to let me prove that I did the problems myself. So a few days later during lunch me and a friend waited for him to leave his room and then I proceeded to spray Liquid Ass all over his chair and desk. It cleared out that room for the rest of the day and we had to go to the lunch room to have his class.

    In the end though I was really more pissed off at the guy who copied my paper for not manning up and taking the fall. I guess he just had to make us both fail =\
  10. #10 Lionel Hutz, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2009
    I do the same shit in my class. Some kid tried to play it off like he didn't let anyone copy his paper - meanwhile I'm sitting with his paper and like 4 other people with the EXACT same answers on all the questions. These were NOT multiple choice questions, you had to elaborate on your response. So am I really supposed to believe that 4-5 people worded their questions exactly the same? Please. This shit happens all the time - many HS kids believe they are actually smarter than their teacher.

    If you let a kid copy your paper you deserve the zero and yes, you should be mad at the kid not the teacher. In fact, you defiled his room in the name of revenge for something that YOU yourself are responsible for.
  11. Damn.

    Sophomore year in high school I had this English teacher Mrs. Tarczynski. She busted my ass in that class with college level papers! Turned out to be the best ACTUAL teacher I've ever had. Every discussion would be class involved and interactive. Damn, that was an awesome class.
  12. Yeah, I let that kid just copy my paper alright...Oh wait no I didn't moron. I don't think I'm responsible because that kid copied my paper when I went to the bathroom. And the teacher could have been understanding considering it was just him and me who had the same answer and I could actually show how I got my answer when he couldn't.
  13. we had a teacher named Mr. paul for socail studys and everyone called him gunge and gave him shit all the time. he has been on stress leave for like 4 months. sinse that we have had like 4 teachers and weve driven them away lqtm
  14. I've had some interesting experiences with teachers. I guess being the good, quiet student in the back of the room tends to pay off.

    The only really negative experience I had with a teacher was my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. O'Neal. She was just a bitch, maybe in her late 40s, early 50s at the time. I had a problem with school in that I would get bored very easily. I would hardly pay attention in class but I never had a problem with getting good grades (this REALLY pissed some teachers off [the student with the best grade in the class is constantly being told to wake up and pay attention]). I used to really irritate this teacher by walking up to her in class and asking if I could go to the clinic to call my mom and go home - I would do this at least 3 times a week. One day I missed school because I really was actually sick. A student in my class called my house to give me my home work, but that night I had to go to a Christmas Party with my parents (against my will, even though I was sick). The next day the student told the teacher I wasn't home. In the middle of class, she called me out and asked where I was. I told her I was at a party with my parents. She went and bitched me out in front of the class saying things about how I shouldn't be at parties when I'm sick and a bunch of other crap. I was just like, "Ok, whatever." - went home and told my parents. They called up and bitched out the teacher. The next day, she pulled me aside and apologized and I just lol'd.

    My senior year was by far the best year though. My English teacher was an idiot. I would walk in and either we would be taking turns reading from a textbook or we would be doing some kind of paper. If it was the paper, I would always be done in like 10 minutes. The reading I just didn't care about, I'd already read Macbeth and most of the other things by then. So most of the time I would skip and head down to the computer lab. One of the classes I took was called "Webmasters", so I would tell the teacher "Hey, I need to go work on the school web page" - what teacher is gonna say no to that? Anyway, Webmasters combined with "Visual Basic 2" took up my first 2 periods every day - both classes were with the same teacher in the computer lab, Mr. Marshall. He was the shit, one of the coolest teachers on the planet. He knew that there was nothing about a computer that he could teach me that I didn't know, so he created this "Webmasters" class specifically for me and like 6-7 other students - we were tasked with redesigning the school web page. Me and another kid, my friend Andy, took charge and tasked one kid with designing and the rest with getting content from the teachers and stuff, he and I would code it. We ended up finishing the website like 2 months into the school year. So Andy and I went up to Mr. Marshall and told him we didn't want to work for the rest of the year and if we could have the final exams for both Webmasters and VB2 right then. He said ok and gave them to us, and we both aced them. For the rest of the year, we sat inside his closet (which was about the size of a normal classroom) on a couch in front of a TV playing Halo. Sometimes he would give us permission slips to get field tripped out of our other classes so we could just chill in the class room all day.

    So yeah, that's just two funny stories. I have many others, one where an older student walked in and pinched my English teacher's ass junior year. Another involved me falling asleep in class freshmen year and the teacher being unable to punish me for it because my head would roll when I fell asleep (slept sitting up) and she would start cracking up. Or my 60+ year old History teacher standing on a bench and doing the cabbage patch, or the many stories i have about how the entire class cheated that year. But I'd rather go smoke. :smoking:
  15. Haha my 10th grade intro to chem/physics was awesome. the first day of class he told us that we could call him DD. The funny thing is that he had the biggest man titties you ever saw. I came to class every day baked and couldnt stop laughing when i called him DD. He was awesome though and put up with alot of shit from our class and alot of good time were had
  16. Recently found out my sophomore Honors Chemistry teacher blazes among other things :D Always suspected it as he had access to sooo many sweet chemicals (not only was he a chemist, his father was high ranking chemist for the navy) and he would leave class every single day saying he was giving us a "mid class break" (even though all we did was sit and talk about shit and burn stuff) and would come back glassy eyed and in the best fucking mood.

    Turns out we were spot on with our suspicions :D. Very cool guy, didn't even see him as a teacher really.
  17. My high school psychology teacher told us the craziest stories about how lived in Haight-Ashbury during the middle of the hippie thing. Once he went to a party at the Dead house...

    I think the craziest thing he ever told us was about how he had a heroin problem for a few months in the early 70s.

    Aside from the drug stories he was a really good, and cool teacher. He would always play Pink Floyd albums during exams and shit... Man, I miss teaches like that.
  18. my 10th grade biology teacher taught me and some friends how to make vodka. and she'd make everyone else do work then talk to us about her days in the 60's.

    And my art teacher would always suspect me and my friend were high(we were) and just let us paint and draw and shit. Best class ever, he gave us a happy holidays on 420
  19. "the government used to pay me to test out drugs. they once gave me acid, and a fly that was inside the room got huge!"

    haha best teacher ever
  20. "right when i turned 21, my friend bought a bus, and we drove across the country to see phish concerts"

    another one

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