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Teachers getting Medical Marijuana cards?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by bamf64, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Im trying to convince my mom to go medical, but im not sure if it's legal for her to get her card. She is a second grade teacher in Socal. anyone know the rules?
  2. I really wish my 2nd grade teacher was a stoner ... :(
  3. Not wise to be honest - there are NO protections for being fired by employers for just having a card. If the school district were to find out somehow, she'd never be able to get another teaching gig.
  4. Will's right. Absolutely no protection for those of us who work in education. But, at least in my county, after the first year or two, they won't drug test unless there is a real suspicion.

    Granny :wave:
  5. I'm not sure on the Medical cards but from what I was told by an old awesome highschool tech teacher is that in the 4 years he's been working at the school he never was asked for a drug test of any kind. If your mom gets a card and keeps it quiet and the school doesn't DT teachers, she'll be fine :smoke:
  6. Getting a card might become a Catch-22 to be honest.

    By having one, obviously you would be protected from prosecution at the State level, but if the (Federally subsidized) School district ever determined that they should run an "audit" on this MMJ "problem that's out of control", they might just discover she has been issued an MMJ card and use it as enough justification to either fire her, or make her take a drug test.

    My advice if you live in a State where it is decriminalized and the school district doesn't do drug testing? Stay off the "grid" altogether. Use as needed and keep it quiet.
  7. Since she teaches kids, if she were ever caught she would probably be all over the news. And CPS would be all over her ass. Because we don't live in a free world or anything.
  8. I dont think it works

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