Teabagger Beliefs revealed...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by 5e3deluxe, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    This is what they really believe.
  2. So why was Herman Cain so popular among the "teabaggers"?
  3. Call me a bad person, but that shirt made me laugh. :laughing:
  4. #4 TheDankery, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    We don't actually know what political beliefs that individual subscribes to, and even if he were a "teabagger", to insist that the presence of one avowed racist within a group means the entire group is racist is a base-level association fallacy.

    Also, that is photoshopped or otherwise tampered with, right? The outline of the text looks all fucked up.
  5. stupid politiccs distracting us from the real enemy
  6. because they don't hate anything like they hate Obama, and would do anything to get rid of him

    lol herman cain...they're that desperate
  7. Lol, the op reminds me of hankmoody, always coming up with these blatant trollling threads. calling an entire political movement that has black members and black leaders racist, lol.
  8. where does it say anyhting about him being a teabagger?

    teabaggers started as a libertarian movement. they wanted to audit the fed and limit federal government. the real tea party movement has been usurped by idiotic politicians in washington and their equally idiotic constituents and demonized by the faux news agencies just like occupy wall street has been usurped by stinky over opinionated hippies and bums while the msm acts like thats the way its been the whole time.

    occupy is no better than the teabaggers for letting these degenerates infiltrate and eventually take over their groups. i mean how the fuck am i supposed to take serious political advice from some 16 year old named 'sage' with 3 purple dread locks and a i <3 boobies bracelet on? and how is he in some position of power in this group in the first place? i take him about as seriously as i do some redneck with a ****** please its a white house shirt on.

    how about instead of bitching and moaning about the differences in each others groups you unify on the factors you agree on and actually do something about it. oh because the shills in washington play you all against each other with your petty differences so your individual groups never have enough power to actually challenge the officials creating this whole clusterfuck and making it worst each day.

    bravo america.

    *golf clap*
  9. There are no factors on which to unify. The right wing has abandoned compassion, embraced bigotry and exclusionism (and of course these have ALWAYS been qualities of the right wing) and is trying to install latter-day feudalism.

    Being a serf doesn't do much for me. Read your history of feudalism. It's not pretty.

    I see the Balkanizaton of the USA within five years. What happened in eastern Europe during the Clinton Administration will happen here. Ethnic and ideological cleansing. Hell, the first shots have been fired, between the murder of George Tiller and the slaughter at the Sikh Temple.

    Ever notice it's right-wingers who do these things?
  10. photoshopped

  11. Prove it.
  12. prove it's not..

    did you take the photo?
  13. The fucked up pixels in the font is a clear give away lol

    Its even slanted to match the guys body position. Cute
  14. [​IMG]
  15. lets not forget the fact that the font is ever so straight on a shirt with slight bends and wrinkles

  16. Way to really show off your prejudice beliefs while trying to condemn others for being prejudice...:hello:

    Prejudice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Lmao, definition of the word irony right here... :laughing:
  17. Is this Hankmoody?

    If it is, Hankmoody... you're better than this.

    edit: lol, this got moved to pandora's while I was typing. it probably should've just been deleted but this is well enough.

  18. No he's not.
  19. [quote name='"5e3deluxe"']

    This is what they really believe.[/quote]

    Tsk tsk tsk...
  20. Loyd Marcus, black guy, talks about the racism that was aimed at him while he was a member of the Tea Party on one of their tours.
    Read the article

    Black Tea Party Express Tour Team Member Experienced Racism

    Archived-Articles: Black Tea Party Express Tour Team Member Experienced Racism

    Ignorance can be cured by reading.
    Stupid runs bone deep & there is no cure & you my friend suffer from the latter.

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