so for a while now I've wanted to try opiates again but no one I know sells opium so of course where do I turn to?..eBay. apparently people sell papaver somniferum pods (opium poppy) and you can use them to make tea. according to wikipedia the tea that you make from them contains morphine and codeine so I decided to buy a few and see how it turns out, they should be arriving sometime next week. has anyone ever tried this? I remember reading a story about someone who got really addicted to pods he got from eBay but considering I'm already experienced with oxys and never did it often enough to get addicted or feel any withdrawal I think I should be fine..maybe I'll make another post when I try it out.
The papaver somniferum plant is legal to grow. Grow it in your backyard. Its just illegal to harvest the opium from it.
I thought about that but I live in an apartment. I suppose I could go through the trouble of growing indoors but it seems like too much work and I'm bad with plants, which is really lame because some day I would like to grow my own weed