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tbreak time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ohyeahsonn, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. i have only been smoking a year but every day all day the last few months. now i cant seem to get high. how long should be long enough to knock my tolerance down enough to get high off a bowl or blunt again?
  2. a week to 2 weeks. a week if you don't think you can do 2 but i've found 2 to be ideal.

    good luck man :)
  3. Duuude sometimes one day is like all's I need for me to fall in love again. But if you want to have a FULL tolerance drop than anymore than two weeks is pointless unless like your trying to pass some kind drug test in that case 2-3 months maaan.

  4. 2 weeks makes a serious serious difference man. months might completely drop it but 2 weeks does quite enough to get high again for sure. :smoking:
  5. thanks a lot. ++++++rep

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