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Tbreak help please!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420PotSmoka420, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. I've been smoking for around a year and half now. I smoke everyday and it just doesn't do anything for me anymore. I smoke dank and I just don't get high at all anymore. I want to take a break from tuesday to halloween (20 days). Will this be enough time so when I can actually get high like I use to when I first started?
  2. More then enough. I was in the same situation, I took a 3 day break and when I smoked got pretty giggly, not like the first time but I really enjoyed it.
  3. I hope so.. I don't want to take a 3 week break and not feel any different when smoking.
  4. don't worry, 20 days is definitely enough time.:)
  5. Man this is what scares me. I just started smoking everyday instead of occasionally and I can't imagine a day without my MJ :(

    Good luck !
  6. #6 phantomxrider, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2010
    Dude, let me tell you what. T-breaks are awesome. Once you get through your first one and realize how great they are they make you WANT to go on another one. Just a few weeks ago I broke a weeklong t-break with a .3 jay of some crossbred dank and the walk from my back door to my bedroom became a 30 minute mind blowing adventure.

  7. plenty of time. Personally, all you really need is 2 weeks and you'll notice a HUGE change. you can even do it for 3 days, but the efffects wont be as noticable.
  8. Sounds good guys, thanks! Starting my break tommorow :D

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