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Tatumaru's NY Pickups

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Tatumaru, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. I figured I may as well use these pictures, rather than leave them on my phone. I'd use a camera if I could actually find one in my house.

    First is just a quick shot taken in my car. I picked up this ounce of Grandaddy Purps about three weeks ago. It was alot darker than in the picture. I couldn't really keep this bud around my house because it would stink up any room I put it in.


    These next two shots are of the half I picked up three nights ago. This bud gives me the craziest head high I've felt since I started smoking. I love packing a dime of this stuff into the bowl before bed.

    The second picture is closer to the actual color, but it's a little lighter than that.


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