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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Masterdouh, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I was wondering today, how many of my fellow tokers have tattoos and/or other body mods. I personally have 4 tattoos and one ear gauged to 00, what about you?
  2. i have 9 tattoos at the moment
  3. I have 4 tattoos at the moment, will have 5 in August. I have 11 piercings on my ears, with my ears stretched to a 6g.
  4. No tattoos. I used to have my labret pierced.

    Badass, I know. :rolleyes::p
  5. #5 GutteralShiva, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    First off, you have them STRETCHED, NOT GAUGED. Gauge is the size of your jewelry. Sorry that shit irritates the fuck out of me.

    I got my first tatt in september, have my right nostril, and lobes stretched to 1 1/8in(28.5mm). I had snakebites in highschool but took them out. I want my ears to maybe 2inches, my other nostril and both stretched a tiny bit, and ink covering most of my body.

    Feel free to join my body mod group.
  6. None whatsoever.
  7. Have one at the moment and will have another in a few weeks. would have more but they an't cheap!
  8. I hope none of you have tribal tattoes :smoke:

  9. Tribal tatts can be sweet when really detailed and large like this [​IMG]

    , but im sure you mean those simple ones and shitty tribal bands. But maaan they are so last year, its all about flowers on your feet and a butterfly near your groin.

    What's worse than those is japanese ones that probably dont mean what you think they do. My brother got one on his arm and its huge and looks terrible.
  10. Rofl yeah, i dislike the asian ones where the people who have them aren't even sure if it really means what they think.

    People that know "asian" (w/e language the tattoo is in) and actually want one for a good reason are acceptable though :smoke:
  11. Blind hatred against body mods is idiotic.

    I have snakebites, stretched lobes (currently in the stretch/restretch process so they're a little smaller than 2g right now), navel and smiley (with no jewelry in).

    I've had my industrial pierced as well as a vertical labret and 2nd lobes.

    I plan to get many tattoos, but I am planning them for many years before I ink them onto myself. It would suck hella bad to ruin my skin with something I don't totally love =]
  12. I have one. Debating on getting ONE more.
  13. I currently don't have a tattoo, but I have been planning to get an Ouroboros wrapping around my upper arm for a while now, I just need to find the right artist for it.
  14. My ears were stretched to 1", but I let them close up a bit, and they're sitting at a 00g right now. I had snakebites, but took them out. Also pierced my lip again about a year after I took my snakebites out.

    Don't have any tattoos yet, but I know I'll want some in the near future.
  15. I have 14 ga earrings and a couple of tattoos, only one is visible outside my clothing.

    It covers a scar from a cutdown I ended up with one hospital stay back in 1980. I got tired of looking at the scar, and everybody figured it was a suicide attempt.
  16. <<<<1 inch ears w/ black bamboo plugs. Full sleeves with chest piece and neck.
  17. #17 mysodabud, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    I don't have any ink on me, but I do appreciate the work and beauty it brings. It's like walking art. While web surfing for tattoo images with a friend of mine(long story), we stumbled across a site that actually has glass pipes with tattoos on them! There are only three spoons. Each has TATTOO, THINK INK, or INKAHOLIC on a black/white spoon. The glass spoon looks well made. It's the only place I know of that has a glassblower who can actually transfer an image onto glass. If you lookup prestige pipes and go to the site, type in "tattoo" in the Search box. You'll see what I mean. I'm thinking of buying one for my neighbor's birthday.
  18. Just one tattoo on the back of my neck. Tongue, belly button, nose and industrial piercing though. Plus four holes in my earlobes, but that doesn't count for much.

    I think I'm done for piercings I want to get, but I'm not done for tattoos thats for sure. I would really like to get started on some big pieces soon but I'm very conscious of making sure they work with my body. I like to still have a beautiful womanly body, with some nice art work to enhance it, not distract from it.
  19. #19 ToolMan1026, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Stretching too 00 and saving up money to get Atlas on my back... the guy that holds up the heavens on his back/shoulders

    Also getting the words "Even the heavens feel light when I'm lifted" Under it
  20. i have 5 piercings and two tattoos. plan on getting a third one soon, just gotta tweak my ideas of the tattoo a bit.

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