Tattoo Ideas?

Discussion in 'Tattoo, Piercings and Body Art' started by Ceptic Tank, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. I always wanted a tattoo, and I love piercings and body modifications (on girls specifically). I am not quite sure where/what I want, but know somewhere NOT common.

    Eyelid? Wrist? Gimme some artistic ideas.

    I was thinking of a small cannabis plant/leaf in between my index finger and thumb on my left hand.
  2. If you don't know what/where you want, you shouldn't even consider it. All backwards if you ask me.

    Give yourself time. Wait until you know.

    I know I'm glad I did, otherwise I would have never been able to start my career.

    Yours Truly,
  3. Yes, take the location/art into major consideration.
  4. it should have some meaning and not just an idea a stranger gave you

    actually i might suggest a picture of your girls face on your ass

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