Tattoo Idea but Not sure how to convey part of it...ideas/help?

Discussion in 'Tattoo, Piercings and Body Art' started by ChipThaRipper, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. I personally believe relgions are man made but still believe in god. I'm thinking of getting a tattoo with a priest or rabbai writting the testement and then god looking down on them disapointed, but I'm not sure how to convey god being disappointed. Any ideas?
  2. I think that is not a good Idea of getting a tattoo with a priest. Religion is something saint but tattoo is Not. Anyway I like tattoos ;)
  3. how about you have a priest writing the bible, with the image of God in his head, since the idea of God is man made?

    just a thought.

    or just get "Non Serviam"
  4. Because I believe that there is a god
  5. I feel where your coming from.

    I feel like religion is supposed to be an institution of god, but church is an institution of man.

    It depends on the style of tattoo your going for, maybe god with his head in his hands?
  6. [quote name='"ChipThaRipper"']

    Because I believe that there is a god[/quote]

    the belief that there is a god was thought by man.

    chances are if it weren't for religious indoctrination of the youth you'd have a different perception on "what's out there".

    but that's my $.02 on it

  7. The belief that you and your logic are superior is a fallacy of man.

    Chances are if it weren't for your close minded bigotry, you would realize that you are being terribly rude to someone and their beliefs for no apparent reason other than your need to hate for no good reason.

    But seriously man, what the fuck?
    The OP didn't invite you and your negativity to his thread, after your first post it was obvious that you didn't read the thread completely, and had nothing but bad intentions in posting here. Please remember that YOU are not god and you don't have the right to selfishly parade your vendetta against religion in a thread that is meant for another purpose.
  8. [quote name='"Padre Pokes CHB"']

    The belief that you and your logic are superior is a fallacy of man.

    Chances are if it weren't for your close minded bigotry, you would realize that you are being terribly rude to someone and their beliefs for no apparent reason other than your need to hate for no good reason.

    But seriously man, what the fuck?
    The OP didn't invite you and your negativity to his thread, after your first post it was obvious that you didn't read the thread completely, and had nothing but bad intentions in posting here. Please remember that YOU are not god and you don't have the right to selfishly parade your vendetta against religion in a thread that is meant for another purpose.[/quote]

    i was giving the OP ideas seeing as that's what he asked for.

    i understand and respect his difference in opinion, was just giving my two cents on a tattoo idea

    get off your high horse buddy

  9. Reread the very first post, says it in the first sentence that the OP still believes in god.

    So your idea is to mock him by suggesting a tattoo that turns his religious figure into the equivalent of a schizophrenic delusion?


  10. he said he is not a firm believer of organized religion, and the man made constructions between man and god (or what he believes to be god)

    maybe i should have been more clear my my post.

    the "image" of God as depicted by man and those who blindly follow organized religion, in the head of a priest/rabbi as they are writing a scripture.

    i am in the same boat as OP (except i don't believe in "god" per se) believing there is some form of higher power but its not what the masses gathered in any organized religions temple believe in ya dig?

    didn't mean to start a debate on the topic of the tattoo, merely was giving my .02

    perhaps i wasn't as clear as i intended in the post, sorry if it offended you or the OP
  11. And I'm sorry for sounding like a pig headed overbearing asshole.

    Your not stepping on my toes, I just don't want to see peoples belief systems brought up for debate in front of them.

    I sympathize with both you and the OPs point of view, as I said earlier I believe that religion was intended to be an institution of god, and church to be an institution of man. The line separating the two gets skewed and that's where society runs into problems.
  12. God with his head in his hands isn't a bad idea, any other idea's though?
  13. You could have beams of light emanating from God, but the priest has his back turned and is hunched over, so the scripture is being written in his shadow.

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