Here's a thread where you post a picture of your tattoo and I critique it. Other users will likely chime in with their critiques, too. Feel free to post other people's tattoos for criticism.
means peace/harmony in japanese. Getting this finished sometime this week. I'm getting this on thursday inbetween my shoulder blades, but it won't look exactly like that, the text will be better layed and stuff.
^it looks much better in person, shitty webcam lol ^did when I was 15 haha..gonan cover 'em up better one day soon I also have 5 dots on the web of my left hand
Thumbs up for the tribute tattoos. Also, if you're going to post a tattoo in Japanese or other language, please translate for us.
japaneese tattoos are over rated unless your japaneese or are interested in the culture why bother or do u just want everyone who sees you to ask you what it is supposed to mean- just my 2 cents
Its a beerleaf. (Weed leaf outta beer bottles)) Threw the WTM in there... WAYTOOMANY as in way too many beers, bowls, u know. ((also cuz its the shit))
haha wtm is the shit, havent been to that site in a while though for the rest i think the bird one about freedom is a sweet ass tatoo