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Taste and scent ?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by StarGatherer, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. This is gonna sound far fetched so i came to the advanced growers rooms to see if this is possible or am i just really stoned right now.I read about all these tasty nugs, blueberry, strawberry cough, and cat piss.I am wondering about the process of injecting flavor and scent to plant matter and how this might be idea i had was inscense.By polluting the air slightly , will a plant take in those pheromones and turn them into a tougue tittilating tidbit.Another idea was running my CO2 thru a filter with a perfume oil in it.I have read about vanilla and molasses to help with growth while flowering.I do this myself and it sdoes help with yeild.Tell me im crazy but i am wracking my brain trying to figger a way to make "flavored Nugs" imagine hot wing flavored buds.If they can make soy taste like chicken why cant i make buds taste like chocolate. I know, "put the bong down and step away from the food."
  2. Lighting inscence will prolly just piss the plant off. What you would want to do is cure bud with certain things. For instance, take a peel from an orange and drop it in a jar with your bud and it will pick up the scent and taste a bit, while also moistening your bud a good bit.
  3. Thanks , im considering a stick or two of juicy fruit,
  4. you can also feed your plant extracts, like vanilla extract or lemon. just mix it with water and feed your plant with it. this will give your buds flavor. never tried this myself, but i've heard of it being done. i read a post on drying the other day that talked about it.
  5. One technique that I have heard of is introducing the flavor/scent/etc. much in the same way that you would milk feed a pumpkin except in this case you only need to do this in the last week before harvesting.
    Its actually quite simple: get a small length of cloth string (cotton is perfect) and a small dish filled with your essential oil or flavoring of choice and soak the string and leave one end of the string immersed in the liquid. Make a small (very small!) cut into the stem of your plant and insert the string into said cut. The plant should absorb a small amount of the flavoring as the string wicks the liquid into the stem. I like this technique because you can introduce a different flavor into each plant in a system (assuming a hydro grow) or just flavor a few to see if you like the results. Give it a shot.
    Hope this helps
  6. Dont inject anything or feed it flavouring... You want the smell and taste of the bud that the plant preduced:D thats why u grow the shit!!

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