I have another question for you guys my plant is going to be 2 weeks tomorrow and I wanted to start giving her nutes but the problem is my ph test kit and ph up/down won't be coming till April 6th-20th . So I was wondering if I should use distilled/spring water or just chance it with the tap water, what do you guys recommend? This is my plant btw Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
DO NOT START NUTES YET. Your plant is nowhere near large enough to give nutes to unless you want to just fry it up real good. You've got that thing in a monster size container so it's probably going to take weeks and weeks for it to use up water in the pot and to develop a root system sufficient enough for the foliage to pick back up and start growing again. Always start them in small containers like Solo cups, and pot them up when the plant reaches a size that is larger (wider/taller) than the container it's in. Nutes are not to be started until the plant has had a chance to use up the nutrients that come naturally in the soil. Two weeks is nowhere near enough time for that little seedling to do that. Be careful of your watering habits. Do not water this plant until the soil it's planted in gets almost as dry as it was when you loaded into a fresh pot. As far as the water you use, you definitely need to stay away from spring water and RO water since all the nutrition in the water has been stripped from it. People who use heavily filtered water end up with weird nutritional deficiencies in their plants because there are actually beneficial micronutrients in tap water that the plants need and like. Use tap water just adjust the pH to the proper range for soil grows, 6.3 to 6.7, if you want to keep it healthy. Watering out of range will lock up the plant's roots and it can't take in nutrition. But it's going to be WEEKS before that little seedling establishes a root system (the very first thing they do) and gets back to producing more foliage. You also desperately need some perlite in that soil you're using.....about a 60/40 ratio soil to perlite. These plants need light and arid soil for ease of root growth and good drainage so you don't have the roots sitting in moisture all the time which will cause root rot. Let them dry out sufficiently between waterings....to the point the container feels like it did when you first put soil in it. Read in the new grower threads on the forum to pick up the basics of growing these in soil inside. You can have a great setup to grow these plants, but if you don't take the time and learn "how" to do it the right way, you're going to kill a few before you figure it out on your own. Everything is logged there that you would need to know and it's all important to the process. It's not rocket science, but there is definitely a LOT more to it than tossing a seed in some dirt and waiting for the magic to happen. Good luck! TWW
I was gonna start nutes based off the chart fox farms provided I mean it even said you can start when their seedlings but idk maybe I'm not understanding it correctly. I wanted to start it off in a solo cup but I remembered reading auto-flowers shouldn't be transplanted but again maybe I misunderstood. I've been watering it daily because the soil seems to get dry very quickly. How important is having perlite in the soil? Does that just affect the yield or will it not grow right/slowly? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Listen to the white widow...do NOT fertilize yet. Way too soon. Also listen to his watering advice...overwatering is bad for your baby Perilite increases the porosity of your soil so it drains better and doesn't hold too much water. It will not affect your yield or growth rate. Also it needs to be mixed into your soil before planting so I'd suggest you not worry bout it now.
I see you dropping knowledge everywhere in the city. Thanks man your awesome Sent from my SM-N920T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Everyone has their own way of doing things, one may tell you don't ever transplant other than going from a solo to your final grow pot, others may tell you to go from maybe 1g, to a 3g, and then to your final grow pot. Neither way is wrong, you are just hearing what they believes is the best way to help you help your plants grow. But in this case the first method is to minimize stress, and the second method is what I call the greenhouse standard, where you transplant your plant to a bigger pot once it has out grown that pot. Why, for 3 good reasons, 1, rapid plant development, 2, denser root structure, makes for stronger plants, 3, new medium, fresh nutrients, even a different nutrient blend that will help in your plants development during that stage of its life. Now as for autos, I always go right from a solo to my final grow pot because I only want one growth slow-down to happen, and only want that to happen while my autos are young. The growth slow-down is caused by... the plant being transplanted! Also follow what The Widow White said, cause your plant is to young to be feed right now!
Hey man, i use spring water. My 4'auto loves that stuff. Sent from my LG-H812 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Oh yeah, most spring water isnt filtered, the spring water i use has minerals in it. Sent from my LG-H812 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Thanks for all the help guys I'll wait another couple of weeks for the nutes and when I do start them I'll try at half or even quarter strength Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I used distilled water until I got a reverse osmosis. Also, if you do get inpatient and start using nutes early, do it at 1/4 strength of Fox farms recommendation. I too started with Fox farm Happy Frog soil and trio pack nutes. Good stuff. Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk