Tap: for the Mods, Members, You even Me

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by Vee, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. (7.5min) Easily communicate with your devices with the Tap Strap Wearable Keyboard, Mouse & Controller. Utilizing Bluetooth connectivity, this wearable allows you to type without using a physical keyboard. Functioning as a virtual trackpad and keyboard, the Tap Strap seamlessly communicates with your device when you tap on any surface. Worn on one hand just like a fingerless glove, the lightweight wearable makes texting, browsing, and even gaming easier. In addition, the TapGenius app teaches you how to tap in less than an hour. Likewise, the learning system combines visual and musical tutorials along with game-play to help you learn in no time. Moreover, it comes with an auditory learning system for visually disabled users. Compatible with a wide range of operating systems, the Tap Strap makes using your device more seamless and enjoyable.
    TLDR/ a new type of mouse, keyboard thing you wear and fiddle your fingers to interact with your pc
    text and games are a breeze, leaving your other hand free to work on other vital things in your life...like toking ..lol

    (5.5min) the price ....seriously rotten $180.-199.00 yeah ..just wait until the Chinese get a hold of this

    Product - Tap
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  2. Now I can lay in bed comatose 24/7 and never have to move again. Cant wait until we just have to think to type.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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