Talking to this girl

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by greenergrassova, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. #1 greenergrassova, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2011
    This girl from my school and she knda liked me earlier in the year.
    And shes hot, and shes crazy.

    But im messing up cuz im :hello: high.

    But she doesnt know me by my name, only sight so im trying to prove its me... AHH so hard. I have no pictures ... and i lost my phone.
  2. Do you have Facebook :confused:

    Or do any of your friends have a picture of you?
  3. I got it i took a picture of a secret facebook picture of me and then gave it to her.

    She called me hot.

    Step 1 done.
    Whats step 2?
  4. Compliment her back. If a girl compliments you, always return the favor.
  5. Don't be cheesy though, be genuine girls can see through bullshit right now lol.
  6. Send her a picture of your genitals.
  7. Ask for number. Set up date or possibly booty call for tonight. Sex it :smoke:
  8. Dude, im a king at game when im blazed. But im a anxiety little shy fellow. Ive gotten fathers then i usally get.

  9. I sure hope you mean farther lol...and not fathers....:p
  10. Yeah for sure.

    Its soo cool cuz my body is using the veins and if blood is pumping there. It feels good
  11. #11 greenergrassova, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2011
    She loves blink 182 and wants to go to a concert with me... Why blink 182 come back for me.

    Edit: They are in england!! Get me to england with this girl!
  12. Ok question:
    If shes sharing feelings and she talks about sex, does she want me??
  13. yes dude....

    pump that pussy please
  14. For you Burn for you.
  15. Just talk too her? then ask her to chill once you've been talking abit then make a move. /thread

  16. are you 15?

  17. what makes you ask that...just because some people go to school and arnt a hundred percent sure how to talk to girls does not automatically make them under 18...
  18. wtf does that mean??
  19. In your honor burn.
  20. women need food water and compliments...never ever forget that

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