talking to dealers lifted?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MrPhilleh, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. #1 MrPhilleh, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Idk, but i find talking to dealers REALLY hard when high. Like..... extremely hard.

    I was chillin at a friends house the other night...and we got ripped off from this sketchy dealer, but still got weed so we smoked it.

    Butum, the dealer who i texted 4 hours earlyr, called me. I asked who it was like twice, then i heard his name. I kept saying uuuughhhh....ummm.....ehhhh....for like 2 minutes. Then i was just like 'iiii.......alreeeeeeeadyyyy......goottttsooommee.......buuuttt ill caaaaaalll yooou whhhhheeeen iii neeed moreeeeeeeeeeeeee'.

    It sounded exactly like i spelled it out. Its like my brain went on lock and i just couldnt think of what to say. then my friend grabbed the phone hes like 'HES HIGH HE CANT TALK GOTTA GO NOW BUH BYEEE'. N everyone was like....oooookay.

    I know im gonna run into the guy tomorow one way or another, and ultimatly end up looking stupid trying to explain to him what happened.

    But yhea, i was just wondering if this happens to anyone else. Like you just cant talk or do anything other than touch your head. I know im not the only one, i cant be.
  2. I dont get it, why cant you talk to him high?cause you asked to buy weed off him, so he made time for you but you ended up getting some, but u didnt wanna tell him that he wasted his time?lol i unno im confused:smoking:
  3. the dealer i just started buying from keeps saying im funny as shit and the funniest person he ever met before..

    I guess thats why my dubs are like 8ths lol
  4. not really. Everyone i buy from is chill. I also dont tell them im going to buy, then go to someone else without texting them.
  5. #5 MrPhilleh, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Well exqueeze me, but he took 4 hours to respond. And being a fairly new dealer, i just texted him asking if i had the right number, not asking to buy. Aint no shame in my game.

    Friend B
    Friend D
    Drug Dealer R
    Drug Dealer B

    Synopsis(shut up, its a cool word and i wanted to use it.):
    Me and friend B wanted weed
    Friend B called all of her drug dealers, none of which answered.
    Me called all of my drug dealers, of which were dry or didnt pick up.
    Drug Dealer R, one of which i called, didnt pick up.
    Friend B has this on/off dealer,Drug Dealer B who swings from bad to decent drug dealer alot.
    Me, Friend D, and Friend B, all meet up.
    We buy from Drug Dealer B. 30 dollars for 2grams.'Orange Kush'.

    Things Wrong With It
    The nuggs looked like mini chicken strips.
    Shitty trim job.
    Half assed kush.
    Wasnt even indica.

    We smoke 2 bowls.
    Friend D arrives.
    Friend D clears the whole bowl...And leaves stale smoke. Cant clear a bong to save his life lmfao.
    We smoke one more bowl.
    Drug Dealer R calls.
    <refer to first post>

    Any questions?

  6. ah, well kinda his fault then.
  7. I don't see how talking to a dealer stoned is any harder than talking to anyone else. If anything, it's easier...can just keep telling him ever so often how dank the dank is. :smoking:
  8. Just be like man sorry I was so high yesterday hahah.

    And he'll laugh. And you'll be friends :)
  9. my dealer is lovely but obviously its still kind of awkward. when you're baked you think you've forgot to put the weed in your pocket and left it in his car, or gave him too much money, etc.

    the first time I bought weed, my friend said "say, Hi can you drop me a mench man?" but it came out, "Hello, could you please drop me a mench?" everyone just laughed at me... including the dealer :eek: :smoking:

    theres no need to feel embarrased about it lol, just say you were too baked to talk properly
  10. Im just gonna say i was drunk or something. He called back 4 hours later, like wtf do you expect? I needed weed when i called you, thats why i called. Im not fuckin target and i dont take rain checks, either hook me up or dont. Shits real simple.
  11. Trust me he'll understand, if he doesn't then you don't need to go through him anymore. Dealers wait around for yo but if they don't answer they cant expect the sell plain in the simple. He never answered so you never agree'd to pick up off him, it would be wrong if he answered and you just never got it.

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