Talking to a cop high...

Discussion in 'General' started by needflhigh, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Yep scared shitless but had to be done, on my way home the other day, and got a call from my alarm company that mine went off. I rushed home checked everything out all normal, called my alarm company to say all is good, they said they would call the cops and tell them.

    Well.....believing them I start to get on with my evening. about an hour after the alarm call, my phone rings, and there is a deputy on the line. I tell him the store, all good, he then states....

    Will you please step out of the house? (HOLY SHIT, talk about losing a high on a scale of 1-10 I was about a 6) I rush for some gum, then go and take a step outside of my house, which was dark was about 11pm at night.

    I step out of the house, next think I know I have two cops shinning lights on me from behind other vehicles, weapons drawn (GULP!)

    So I say Good Evening Office, I am just going to grab my wallet for some identification...

    We then have about a 10 min conversation, and to find out when I rushed home, to check everything I left the garage opened, so they thought someone was inside, which was the reason for the call and weapons drawn.

    Good thing they didn't ask to come in, as in the family room was my newly purchased 1/2 oz I was blazing on....

    I was lucky, is all I can say, and thanks for getting so quickly to the house as well mr police office, I am sure an hour after a alarm went off they would be long gone....that's right they were when I got knocked off last year...I was an hour and a half away and made it here before the officers did then too.

    O well off to smoke.
  2. Damn. I was getting a bit scared for you myself reading that haha. Hats off for keeping cool.
  3. An hour is long enough for an intruder to murder you steal your valuables.

    That's why cops are useless and guns are important.
  4. Good thing you were smart enough to announce you were reaching for your wallet instead of just doing it.

    If not, you'd probably wouldn't be here today...

    Nope, you for sure wouldn't be here.

  5. I sure the cops were out serving their community by getting the pot heads off the street. :rolleyes:
  6. My uncle was a cop and said that he always remembered one call someone he worked with answered. The house was broken into at around 2PM. Cops come and check, and tell the person who lives there everything is ok and there is nothing destroyed/missing. The guy hid somewhere in the house and the cops had to come back after midnight that same day, because the guy waited all day and then robbed them when they were asleep.

    Cops are useless, loud motion detectors have uses.
  7. Or pulling over and searching a black person's car just because they're in a white area.

  8. LOL, yeah, :rolleyes:
  9. Oh I can do a lot more than that in an me.
  10. QFT. Fuck gun control.
  11. Maybe it's just your area. Cops are pretty prompt where I live because there is never any need for them, so when something finally happens they haul ass haha. Oh well luckily they just left after you talked to them, shitty policing on their part.
  12. They are so very slow around here. My place was robbed last year for tens of thousands of dollars I made it from a meeting to my office, then to my home, before the cops ever made it there and I was an hour away. damn, but if I dropped a joint I am sure they would be right behind me.

  13. Thats almost complete bullshit, and you know it. Sure there are plenty of racist cops, but they still have to have reason for pulling someone over. Not like blacks are the only ones that are being racial profiled either.
  14. Guys, try going on a RIDE ALONG high, in uniform. fucking intense
  15. Im sure he thought you were pretty high when you said good evening office
  16. also fuck your wife feed the dog and eat your good tv dinners and catch the daily show

    oh yeah smoke a bowl too
  17. talking to a cop high sucks but it's probably happened to all of us

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