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Talk with my dad.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by monkeyman3dee, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. So i was comin home tonite after pickin up an eigth with my dealer/friend/coworker (we toked after the pickup) and as i walk into my driveway, my dad pulls up. My dad already knows i smoke, and doesn't want me too. He used to be a big smoker/drug user back in his day, and could immediately tell i was high. So i go into my room, and we start talking about my habit (been tokin about 2 or so months.

    He tells me there are no postives to it, it starts to change your life (as in by getting a job and such things as that) and all this other stuff that totally made sense, and coming from my dad who isn't ignorant about the subject, it really opened my eyes to what it actually means to smoke in this society and law system.

    In a perfect world, getting high wouldn't be bad at all. But since theres all this stigma on it, and since its forced to be given this brand of "wrong" its gotten to the point where it doesn't matter the government (or whoever) is making up all this propaganda and no matter how wrong or misinformed it is, it's right. only because they fooled enough people to believe there is something bad about it. And this is translated to all these conflicts that occur when you toke up.

    Still kinda blazed atm, but it makes perfect sense to me.

    All in all though he said he opened my eyes, and that i would make the right decision, and also to try and not be high and at home, meaning if something bad were to happen fire/earthquake/grandparents in trouble i'd at least be of sound mind.

    Which makes sense. but he also said that since he doesn't want me high at home, that means i can't toke up in my room, and he said that forces me to go someplace else, which increases the possibility to getting busted. which sucks obviously.

    And still not sure of what i'm gonna do. I still have a lot of weed ahah, dont want it to go to waste :bongin:

    But yeah, maybe this is one injustice that simply cannot be righted, due to years of propaganda being force fed by various companies/big time drug dealers/growers to keep their own banks filled to the brim.

    (I tend to be a real negative/pessimistic person ahaha xD)

    (After our talk i showed him my stash and the new pickup, he seemed impressed ahah)
  2. Arm yourself with real facts for your conversations, and in the meantime honor his wishes by not smoking in his house. See if you can get him to watch 'The Union', and do some research of your own as to the actual facts.

    You also should make sure you're always being responsible, getting good grades, working hard, etc. Ultimately it wasn't scientific facts that convinced my parents that it wasn't the end of the world that I smoked cannabis; it was my behavior.
  3. When something like that usually happens then the decision is really up to you but I agree make sure you know the right facts about it and just keep a cool head about it. If he still doesn't agree just keep it away from your place and your father.
  4. Something that is wrong can never be right. Especially something that infringes upon the basic rights of human beings.

    Basically your dad is telling you to go out into public to smoke to increase your chances of being caught. Cool beans!

    But it is his house, so you have to respect the rules.

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