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talk about anything grass related

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by indicaman22, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. You guys bring up a conversation and keep igt going. I'll stay onine for as long as I can if you guys do good.

  2. This whole forum is for anything grass related.. Why would you make a thread to discuss weed!?!
  3. weed is pretty cool
  4. lawnmowers
  5. Lawnmowers.
  6. okay, is this considered a chat thread?
  7. Dude, holyshit we posted that at the exact same time...woah. :cool:
  8. [​IMG]
    I use Scotts Lawncare stuff to keep my grass that fresh.
  9. I was at wendy's with my friends. Just got done smoking and I was spacing out. Well, I was walking out the door and I keep going and there is a guy standing there. I must have walked when he was trying to walk in. He goes "Dont mind me your WAY more important" in a real rude tone. so i turn around and walk in when he goes in and shout FUCK YOU really loud. Needless to say everyone was staring. my friends were cracking up
  10. It is estimated that there are about ten thousand different species of grass worldwide.They vary from short creeping lawn grasses, to waist-high reeds and bamboo plants up to 120 feet tall.

    Some perennial grasses clone themselves year after year, producing new shoots which are genetically identical to those of preceding years. Individual plants of Red Fescue spread via underground stems known as rhizomes. A single plant has been estimated to cover an area 250 metres in diameter. If the annual growth rate is measured, the age of the individual plant can then be estimated. A plant of this size may be over 400 years old.


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