Taking MFLB to amusment park?

Discussion in 'General' started by John4414, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Tomorrow I'm being forced to go to a boring amusement park that I've been to a million times with about 10 other relatives. I thought that getting on a roller coaster baked may be a fun and new experience! I have attempted to do this before (smoked before I left) and once we got there my high had basically worn off. I don't want to make edibles even though I know this would be my best option. The only thing I can really make are firecrackers, and the taste of them literally makes me gag. I can't stand them. So I recently got an MFLB and was wondering if you think I could get away with getting there, getting through security, and vaping a trench before getting on some rides. Let me know what you think! :smoke:
  2. It's an amusement park, not an airport. Just tape it along the shaft of your penis and voila.
  3. Sounds like a horrible idea.
  4. Why not vaporize before you go in so your not super sketched out.

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