Taking a tolerance break.

Discussion in 'General' started by haz3y, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. I've decided I'm going to be taking a 2 week tolerance break. I've been smoking daily for a few years now and I figure why not take a 2 week break from all the fun and get my life into better shape while I'm at it.

    So for my 2 week tolerance break I'm just gonna make a to-do list and accomplish everything on the list.

    To Do:

    -Get schedule changed for next school year.
    -Get a job
    -Start working out again and lose some of my munchie weight.
    -Save up all money for end of tolerance break marijuana.

    I figure in 2 weeks I'm going to take all the money I collect and put it all into some dank weed. I'll probably end up purchasing an ounce of some Orange Crush. I plan on also buying an ounce of some high mids to make cannabutter with so I can make some euphoric snacks to accompany my dank smoking session.

    Can't wait for my tolerance break to be done.

    Don't know why but, just thought I would share my plans with the other blades.
  2. I have been thinking about doing the same thing, but its hard when all my friends are stoners...

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