yo guys im taking my freind out downtown chicago for some adventure fun anyone here a local to the downtown area and know some chill spots to smoke and hang, i was planning on just walking the beach and smoking doobies but i wana change it up. help a brotha out peace
Im in downtown chicago right now. But im pretty new to the area. Honestly I like going up to the wicker park area and just go shopping a little, maybe grab some food, and right next to the shops theres some nice residential neighborhoods with some sweet architecture to just walk around and smoke a few J's. really though, a lot of the houses over there are torn down, and the owners just give some architects a few million dollars and have them go crazy and rebuild a sweet ass house, lots of cool modern styles, and seems to be a weed friendly neighborhood, I got a few whiffs of some weed over there.
I dont know shit about chicago,but roll some blunts,dont get any liqour or shell think your tryn to get her drunk and fuck her,cruise around and smoke,hit the club,walk the strip,blah fucking blah.your goal is to get that pretty pink stink
Go sit along the lake by the docks and smoke a fat ass blunt. Worst case scenario someone approaches you just throw the blunt in the water. you shouldn't have any problems
I've smoked a few times on the bridge over the river. Theres a dope ass skate spot right near there too
dont go to navy pier, its a tourist trap imo. get blazed and go on the architecture boat tour. its like 15 bucks i think, money very well spent, and i got to see some building my relatives designed! Chicago architecture is unbeatable. Also, Millenium park has free concerts all summer (i saw bomba estereo) and you can BYOB there (even if your're not 21 nobody cares, they just everyone to stop drinking at 9:30 or 10). The pritzker pavilion concert area has amazing acoustics and its usually FREE! If you like bowling theres a pretty hi-class bowling place i had fun at near the house of blues, its called 10pin. its probably expensive tho. Have a Ferris Bueller moment and go blazed to the Art Institute. There's a new modern wing that has some really great Dali's, Picasso's and Magritte's. The Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) is over near the gold coast if i remember right. That place is pretty cool as well, lots of crazy installations and more avant gard stuff. Go stoned to a yummy restaurant. There are too many to name, but personally I'm a sucker for authentic Mexican and theres a bunch around Armitage and Western. its like 6 bucks for a full meal...pro tip:get some horchata. If its nice out there is something really cool called Critical Mass. On the last friday of every month you meet at 6pm at Daly Plaza with a bike and you get a free tour of the city with thousands of other bikers! So fun, and its a slice of life with all the different types of people who go to these things. google critical mass chicago if you are considering it. Theres A TON of shit to do in chicago on a shoestring, just gotta talk to people. Enjoy, and make sure you show her a good time!