This is the take blunt game it's always that one person in the cyph that has the blunt in their hand telling a random story and not even smoking it it so tell grasscity your random cool story, babbles, or comments about life can be about anything or anyone have fun
I hate people that bogart the blunt. If you're telling a story either pause, hit it, continue. Or skip your turn.
Like in the cyph, yeah I know people like to tell stories and such. Can you just imagine life without possession? it may seem impossible but it's not, everybody sharing everything... the world. It'll be such a beautiful thing, there would be no rich or poor folk just friends. I only tell stories when im not hitting in the cyph because the cherry still burns if you're not hitting it, so when some one else is hitting it ill convinsate.
To make this thread legit everyone toke it up. Although it would only pretty much be wake and bakers right now. ;p
FINE lol *takes blunt* when i was younger and didnt really smoke weed my dad did and he would be up around 3 in the morning and make steaks n shit...pretty awesome. not the best story but im about to eat so ya ill be back with better ones.
*takes blunt* Just blazed some white widow , I hope I catch the bus to school cuz I don't have a lock for my skateboard & my bike chain hasnt arrived yet .
Lol I know a guy that will take 15 minutes to roll the blunt then take a hit and tell you his whole life story while half the thing burns
[quote name='"HSO Bandages"']*takes blunt* Just blazed some white widow , I hope I catch the bus to school cuz I don't have a lock for my skateboard & my bike chain hasnt arrived yet .[/quote] How do you lock a skateboard?
[quote name='"yankee1227"'] How do you lock a skateboard?[/quote] We have a skateboard rack next to our bike racks :gone:
*takes blunt* I just moved and im missing my pasture if ya know what i mean..and i was hoping i could get some cow shit right, i come home the other day and someone cow got out and shit min my yard..thanks universe.
It's kind of hard not telling a story while having blunt/joint in your hand because that's when everyone is paying attention to you.
idk if someones telling a story i normally listen..but if they are bogarting the blunt/joint itll just agrivate me.. does anyone else hate the moment when someone looks like they are going to pass it and you reach for it and they arnt passing it...seems to happen to me a lot