take clones off polinated female??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by shootmenow, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. If you take clones off of a pollinated female will you still get all females and would the clones have seeds at maturity? Clones off of a HERMIE still be a HERMIE?
  2. good 1st question bro, i dont know for sure.
    But i know if its a genetic hermi, you will still have hermi clones.
  3. if it's pollenated, it must be several weeks into flowering. You can only take clones from a plant that is in veg.
  4. Yeah, I have tried to clone a full flowering plant.
    took a total of 10 clones
    5 of them I left the buds on, 0/5 rooted
    the other 5 i clipped the buds off, 2/5 rooted.
    I don't recommend cloning a flowering plant, unless it is absolutely necessary.

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