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Take a Guess? How much weed do you think this is?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by talonsblqd, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. My harvest! They are still drying in my closet. I haven't gotten a scale yet (Any suggestions of what scale I could purchase? Preferably on Amazon?)

    Trainwreak and Holy Grail 69! My first grow and harvest. I feel like a proud mommy.

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks like 2 or 3 zips.
  3. I left my virtual scale in another virtual reality, damn.
  4. Bout tree fitty

  5. Lmfao, it looks about 4 oz. dried to me

    Actually maybe less
  6. Three fiddy is the correct answer, Magoo wins the prize
  7. I'd say 2.75 lol

  8. Gosh dangit ★ s A t I v A ★ go get your virtual scale. What are you even doing on my my topic without the damn virtual scale!!!
  9. ma'am, yes ma'am!

  10. That's more like it ★ s A t I v A ★... now while I wait for your virtual scale to arrive from virtual reality I'll also wait for my psychical scale to arrive from amazon. =p

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