Taco Bell Sued, not real "food"

Discussion in 'General' started by DDV, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. If you don't want to put it into your body, then don't do so. Taco Bell isn't forcing you to do anything, and if you really care about what's in it so much then you can do your own research and make the choice to go elsewhere.

    I must point out, though, that this is only the announcement of a lawsuit. Everyone is kinda assuming the lawsuit to be true, as if nobody has ever heard of a false accusation or bullshit lawsuit :confused: Remember the finger in the chili that was bullshit? I bet everyone assumed that one to be true and bitched about Wendy's, too :rolleyes:

    If there was something fast and quality and cheap and tasty, people would buy it. People make the choice to buy shitty food, that's completely up to them. Naturally people also shouldn't be on the government's dime when their continued poor lifestyle choices negatively affects their health, but then again everyone thinks healthcare is a right :confused: I do agree that the govt shouldn't be helping out corporations over people, if they would stay within their goddamn limits it likely wouldn't happen like it does. But god forbid they do that...

    Anyways, you want fast and quality? Go to Subway.

    Don't care about quality? Go to Taco Bell.

    You do have a choice.
  2. Personally, I don't give a fuck what other people eat or do, but I DO CARE if I am being lied to. If you want to sell me 'beef', than you should have to be able to tell me what is actually in it. If somebody sold something on the internet as an 'ipod' and than you bought it and it was broken when you got it, that would be illegal, and you would be mad. So why is it not the same for food? Why should you be happy to buy food that isn't actually real food, or less than 50% real food?

    It is also a health concern, and it could turn into something like the tobacco industry. Do you want the government to make sure these companies can put whatever they want in your food and not have to tell you? They could put the addictive chemicals tobacco companies put in cigarettes in fast food and you'd be hooked and it would be perfectly legal because you did nothing to stop it.

    There are rules against false advertising, and the government really does need to do something when people can't even buy food without it not being what they intended to purchase.
  3. People do share some of the responsibility of their health. They control what goes in their mouth, but at the same time, I don't know if you have noticed, but the most unhealthy food is also the cheapest. Its extremely hard to convince a poor person that the food they are eating is killing them when its all they can afford. So yes the corporations and government subsidies also have a share of the responsibility.

    Everyone who thinks they are getting a deal because they can get fast food for a dollar are not looking at the big picture. You may have to pay more for healthy food,, but you will more than make up for it when your not shelling out thousands in medical bills. And thats not even including the greater amount of enjoyment you will get out of life. Dont believe me? Try eating truly healthy for just one month and see the difference.

  4. Subway isn't quality fast food. And I do make a choice not to eat fast food or to eat vegetarian when I do.

    And while people make the choice to eat fast food, do you think that if there was a little sign next to the taco that said (35% real beef) they might think twice? Damn right there are some people who will.

    We have a right to be educated and know what we are putting in our bodies.
  5. I'm not turning this into a debate, but how does my post show I don't know what I'm talking about?

    You said "If fast food served 'real food', then people would be healthier/less obese"

    1. Fast food isn't REAL. Therefore, your claim is already irrelevant.

    2. People choose what the fuck they put into their body. That's why they're fat. Sure, it's false advertising, but don't try to tell me people don't know that Taco Bell probably isn't the healthiest choice of food.


  6. Ok, let's REALLY put it into perspective.

    Someone just claims you're 35% female, and now everyone assumes that to be a fact.

    Cuz that's what's goin on here :confused_2:
  7. Moot point if the government is going to allow 20% real meat to be accepted and sold isn't it?

    Now I"m just 20% female, and guess what, it could be true very soon.
  8. Ok, so you're 20% female. Doesn't matter if I know what the number is, cuz if you're being sold down at "Hoes 'R Us" for 99 cents then it's a pretty safe assumption that I'm not exactly getting the best quality woman.

    Same with Taco Bell, if you think you're getting quality food there I've got some prime oceanfront property in Oklahoma for ya :smoke:

    I won't argue that what the czar said is a good idea, I'm just saying that we all make the choice of what goes in our mouths and at the same time we should all be responsible for the choices we make.

    Personal responsibility has gone the way of the dodo, apparently :(
  9. Also to all the people saying that people choose exactly what they put in their body thats not really 100% correct. there have been a few studies done showing that junk food and fast food are just as addictive as heroin in the brain. There are larger factors than just consumer choice.

    I use to follow a standard american diet(SAD) and let me just say the detox and cravings can be so bad that it really feels like you are going through withdrawals.
  10. hmmm maybe thats y i have always instinctively not have the urge to eat at taco bell interesting.
    i mostly go to mcd'sbut recently not nemore.bk is cheaper than mcd's.but my fav is kfc.
    never tried poppies

    tried churches but i dont like god in my food
  11. yea according to the government you should be considered a female if you're 80% male.

    And according to the government a lump of shit with 20% hamburger meat in it should be considered food

    which if they pass that law then maybe I will send you Taco Bell supporters some labeled as "Tangy Beef Delight" :) hope you like your point of view now

  12. But that's the thing, it does matter. If I'm a prostitute and my pimp says, here fuck this female, and you discover cock and balls? You want your money back. You can't say that's not true.

    Personal responsibility IS important. I'm not arguing that, but how can we be responsible if we aren't privy to this information? Which in this case we WEREN'T.

    No fast food is a good choice, but like I said, if it's not the right percentage of actual real meat, and that's advertised you KNOW SOME people would change their mind about what they order. :confused_2:
  13. LMAO I remember a couple years ago there was an onion article saying the same thing.
  14. people don't understand this...the chemicals and fake additives DO effect your brain. shit like high fructose corn syrup completely messes with the choices you make, because your brain doesn't know what it wants. your body isn't even made to process this stuff
  15. :eek: I just had taco bell...now I feel like throwing it up to stuff some more down thanksfor hyping them :(. Im hungry now.
  16. They were hired to run the MTA.:hello:

  17. Exactly. HFCS and all those additives havent been around for even 100 years yet. How in the fuck do people think that their body knows how to process it.

  18. Uhhh.... what the fuck. Requiring the FOOD industry to use FOOD in it's FOOD is onerous and bad for business? /fda
  19. How dare they point their fingers at taco bell! And after all they have done for us.
  20. To all the retards saying you have a choice to eat at taco bell and eat their 35% food shit, here's the thing. If I would have ever known that taco bell's beef was only 35% beef, I would have never eatin there again. They NEED to advertise that their beef is only 35% beef. I think it's false advertising that they do that. They need to either put on their commericals that the beef in their burritos is actually only 35% beef, or just pull every item that has their "beef" in it off the menu.
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