Taco Bell Employee Licks Taco Shells, Post Photo To Facebook.

Discussion in 'General' started by colorado4, Jun 4, 2013.

    What the fuck?
    Try pussy, bro.

  2. I'd punch him too
  3. You're comparing getting the wrong food order to someone spitting in your food?
    You might as well stop commenting because your opinion on anything here on out is invalid.
  4. #64 Lockout, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    These are two completely different topics. Why bring my thread up?
    Neither of us know for a fact what happened. All we have to go on is the picture and their statement. You're making ridiculous assumptions.
    He didn't spit on the food, he licked it. And yes, I am comparing the two. Both fit hit criteria for being in the right when punching a man in the face. I'm trying to get this man's opinion on when he thinks physical violence is necessary. I brought up someone switching orders on purpose because he said if he doesn't get what's advertised on purpose that physical violence is ok.
  5. well this taco bell employee got exactly what he wanted....attention 
    feed the trolls
  6. #66 grizzlybearman, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    Why are you even arguing this man? You don't know the guy who said he'd punch someone for licking a taco shell, and there's many more like him who would do the exact same thing. Hell, I know guys who will beat someones ass for looking at them weird.
    You're not him and he's not you, apparently. So how about just getting over it?
  7. I'd tell him to give me what I asked for. Simple. Switching an order is different than (in my opinion) ruining the food and/or potentially making me sick because of it. Why are you debating this? If it's because what he did would actually turn YOU on, what makes you think that's a normal reaction to this situation? A lot of people have things they may like that differentiate from the norm, but apparently you don't realize that there exists a world outside of your clouded mind and saliva fetishes. You're into that? Fine, but expecting others to feel similar to you isn't logical. Common sense. I suggest you find some.
  8. Everyone arguing in this thread should take a moment to realize their arguing in a thread about a guy licking tacos. First world problems yo
  9. OK so I'm getting the idea that Lockout doesn't care if people lick his food or spit on it. :p
    As for me, I consider that the same as spitting in my face, which is battery (a criminal offense).  It causes intentional and unnecessary exposure to disease.
    *Boredom problems. lol.
  11. #71 Pie Romania, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    Assault, as I have learned is defined as "Attempted, unwanted, harmful or offensive contact with the present apparent ability to carry it out". Could possibly fall under that depending on how it's interpreted.
  12. Yep I think it would.
    Of course the problem is, how would anybody disprove Taco Bell's statement that the taco shells were being discarded?  If the guy were to be charged with something they would have to prove that the taco shells were intended to be given out as food.
  13. That was in my home town.. Does anybody know this guys name?

    But as far as the taco licking goes, I really hope he got fired. That's disgusting

    Well, an argument could be made that the selections of "with the present apparent ability to carry it out" and "offensive contact" could be enough to charge him for his stupidity. Probable Cause is something like "those sets of facts or circumstances that would lead a reasonable and prudent person to believe that a crime has been committed or is about to be committed. It is more than mere suspicion, but less than absolute certainty."
    Not saying he definitively committed a crime, but his stupidity is blatant enough that he put himself in a risky position. If authorities wanted to and someone tried to press charges, there might be enough to make an arrest. However, actually convicting the person wouldn't seem likely. Would be a decent way to get a message across though.
    Again, not saying this should or even could happen. Just mentioning how it could potentially if people wanted to move forward with it.

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