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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Audion, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Starting a t-break today. Its a two week break but I'm stretching it out till the weekend (sat 19) since I'll have the place to myself, and hopefully my bong will have arrived :bongin: :D It's been almost 5 months since my last extended break so I figure its high time (more like low time)

    Any tips? (To lower my tolerance, not to get through it. I find it easier to not smoke when I actually have weed. I know that sounds weird...) :wave:
  2. Time is pretty much the only thing that will lower it. You can also try exercising to get rid of the THC in your fat cells.
  3. Get a console game to tan for 2 weeks.
  4. Well, the reason I ask is because the only bud I have now is mostly indica. Its weird, the bud is covered in crystals, but it doesnt give me the out in space sativa feeling I love. My theory is that a t-break will get me higher off the lower percentage of THC as opposed to other cannabinoids in the buds. I realize this is also mental tolerance too, which I'm sure is harder, nigh impossible to bring back down to 0.

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