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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokeMonument, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Okay, I'm thinking about taking a T-break, my tolerance is getiing to be where i'm just wasting green, if there is such a thing.

    My question is, How long does a T-break need to be in order to be effective?

    Right now, It take 4-5 big hits to get me decently high. (Using mids)
  2. Depending on how long you've been smoking, you'll probably notice a significant difference in your tolerance after just a week away from the herb. However, I think two weeks is the minimum you need to abstain from weed to get really lit when you come back. Not smoking for a month and burning again almost feels like one of the first times
  3. Sweet thanks man, I've been smoking everyday since about thanksgiving.

    Before that I just did it 4-5 times.

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