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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Koushou, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. So, I'm on a break from the magical plant.

    Just attended a house party and after a good few drinks got onto the subject of just how amazing marijuana is with someone I hadn't ever smoked with... and it did not help my break situation.

    I want to smoke real fucking bad.

    Anyone offer any advice how to make T-Break's more bearable or if it's really going to be worth it when I cop some good in a months time and get fucking sideways?

    Having a massive crisis of confidence.

  2. willpower, quitting weed for a few months shouldnt be that bad, if it is that bad, think about taking a longer break. Pick up a hobby if you havent done so already. Start running as it will make you desire to smoke less.
  3. Be confident in your willpower.
    Be confident that the longer into a break you are the easier it gets...and quick quickly so.
    Try to do some exercise every time you want some, ware yourself out, walk to someplace you've never been, just keep busy.
    Then you can also be confident that you're doing something good with yourself/health, and might even continue this habitually when you have weed again - been on some awesome treks while stoned...
    Also be confident that you'll be more fucked up than you have been in aaaages.
  4. Like, I have plenty of hobbies and shit but I just don't know if I want to quit, you know? But a break would probably be welcomed by my body.

    If I definitely wanted to quit, I'm sure willpower wouldn't be a problem but I just don't know.


    I do love weed though.
  5. So true. Feels like virgin lungs.
  6. Appreciated!
  7. When I break I don't have any problems because I have a specific reason for breaking and say it's to just lower tolerance I wouldn't want to have done half of it and then fuck it up by smoking
  8. Ive always felt the same, i rarely do t-breaks, even a few days is enough.
    I just hate the thought of being 'addicted' to somethin or almost have it control me, so when i get like that i just wanna prove to myself i can do it no bother, then back to smoking! Cos i love it :D

    Good luck man let us know how it goes!

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