t break time.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by soflakid, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. okay guys, i plan on going on at least a month t break because i want to lose about 20 lbs and i want to lower my tolerance. so wish me luck :wave: i might even just wait until i harvest my first plant :confused:
  2. 20 pounds from quitting weed? GL!


  3. no lol i just eat a lot because im high a lot and when i much out everyday it adds on
  4. Then cut down on munchin'. I can if I need/want to, and I dont have that much willpower :bongin:
  5. good luck!!

    as for losing 20 lbs- it may help, since you wont eat as much.. but remember, when you do smoke, munchies aren't hard to avoid. :D

  6. haha i know. still want to lower my tolerance though :D
  7. lol the t break didnt work out ...
  8. A tbreak will do you some good. You could exercise to keep your mind off bud.
  9. Biggest thing is, instead of eating Mc Donalds make yourself something to eat BEFORE you're high, because we all know making something afterwards is a pain in the ass

    1st 2 days are the hardest, specially if you have weed around you and available to smoke.

    The biggest thing about making it stick/loosing weight is finding something to keep yourself busy so you're not able to smoke, and not able to eat cause we eat when we're bored.

    I've lost 25 LBS in 3 months by eating less, and walking more. :hello:
  10. smoking weed does speed up your metabolism ya know?
  11. lol this isnt gonna work. im gonna keep toking :smoke:
  12. You don't have to quit smoking to lose weight just go to the gym and kill yourself!! You can blaze the go to the gym then blaze more then much out and I bet you still will see some results
  13. hmm good luck man!
  14. Fresh fruit is the fat stoner's friend. Sweet, juicy, and healthy. I love cutting up a mixed bowl right before a good toke.
  15. I Lose weight from smoking lol
  16. tonight should be the last smoke untill new years which is a month away, im taking an l to the face. :smoke:

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