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T-break struggles.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by slipkittie, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Taking a T-break. I've had a really busy social life lately, and I honestly don't mind not blazing during the day. My real problem is I've been going to bed high for about 4 weeks straight, and it's taking me upwards of 3 hours to fall asleep. On top of that, I'm getting fucked up dreams.

    Is there any way to fix this? The lack of sleep is seriously taking it's toll on me. I also spin my weed with tobacco, so I may be having slight nicotene withdrawals. (I pretty much never smoke cigarettes, they're a fucking nasty habit. I smoke ONE cigarette when I'm drunk, and I rarely drink.)
  2. t-breaks very rarely work out. the best thing to do is buy a small amount and smoke it, to keep yourself sane atleast, and don't smoke again for a week. then continue this until you have your tolerance down. there's no point in not smoking for months at a time. just limit your toking to once a week. is it really that hard? never understood people that need t breaks.

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