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T-break help.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheLustful, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Any tips on takin a T-break with weed still in your possession.
  2. -sell it
    -give it away as a present or gift
    -if you ever really really get the urge to get high, just take 1 or 2 hits, enough to feel it. 1 or 2 hits wont ruin your tolerance and it wont show up on drug tests.
    -have self-control and wait til your break is over???

    i like my fourth suggestion the best.
  3. Depends what your smoking with chad lol, 2 bong tokes of dank would have me really high, and yes it will show on a drug test and yes it will effect your tolerance lol
  4. #4 chadddd, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
    i said 1 OR 2. 1 or 2 bong tokes of dank doesnt get your average stoner "really high". and it wouldnt effect your tolerance much at all If you were smoking 1 bong hit of dank 2 times a week. if you did this for like 1 month, thats 8 hits in 30 days. Then it might show up on a random drug test where you dont have time to prepare your body to pass the drug test. but no only 1 or 2 hits isnt enough to make you fail, but multiple days of 1 or 2 hits could.

    Anyways, and lets say after this month of 8 hits, you smoked a medium sized bowl. THEN you would be really high.
  5. My only tip is drag yourself through the first day, you may have negative thoughts about everything throughout the first day, just watch a shit ton of movies or something.
  6. The first week will suck, but after that it'll be better.

    Your sleeping and appetite will especially suck the first day.

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