T-break day #3

Discussion in 'General' started by WeSmokinSowa, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. I am taking a t-break for only about a week, but i genereally like to smoke at least once a day. Since i go to school, on week days i normally just have like a bowl or two but i figured id lower my tolerance a bit and i have exams coming up.

    so far, its really not that bad at all, except i have this very dull pain in my head. Kind of like an incredibly mild headache. kinda sucks but ill get over it. Do ne other regular tokers get a similiar feeling after not smoking for a bit
  2. keep on keeping on brotha

    and no i dont
  3. i never get any bad feelings when i dont smoke weeed

  4. thx, i have a feeling its just exam stress and shit, may be unrelated. who knows
  5. That headache you're getting is called sobriety
  6. not gunna lie, sobriety kinda sucks thenn...:hello:
  7. Oh thats why I had a headache for 16 years straight then? Damn...
  8. Sobriety? Whats this you speak of?

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