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T-5 distance from my clones ???

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by grandad, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Yo, Anyone with good advice on lighting distance to my new clones?

    Here's what I got: 4' (6 bulb warm / cool white mix) T-5 in my new veg. room in So Cal.
    baby girl's are clones about 2 weeks old, 6"-8" . My lights are about 4" above tops, is that kosher or to close? or what? Any opinions or common sense?:cool:
  2. T-5's usually do not give off much heat, so they should be fine I'll say. But closer never hurts unless the plant burns. Put your hand right above the clones, between the light. If your hand is not uncomfortable, the plants won't be.
  3. thats a cool answer ( no punn intended...well maybe) chalk that one under common sense... i just introduced the babies from a collective where i got them, last night was there first night in my new home....thanks for tip C

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