I was just wondering, how much it would set me back for a good system?. What are the best brands for woofers and amps?. I was thinking jl audio.. Also, a good place to buy them besides ebay and craigs list.
check out caraudioforum.com and spend an hour or two lurking around you'll find an endless supply of information. If you're looking at JL Audio that means you got some cash to spend. Just remember retail stores mark up their stuff 30-50% and brands like JL Audio already mark there stuff up. There are a lot of great products from smaller companies that shit all over stuff like JL Audio for half the price. For a good system look to spend $300 for the amp, $200-300 for the sub(s), another $300 for the head unit, $60 for the wiring and $200 or so for the install if you can't do it yourself. heres some nice product to look at. the best band for your buck 18" can be found nyah.. http://www.edesignaudio.com/edv2/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=37 Its from an awesome company in cali that makes some amazing speakers and amplifiers for the price. heres the link to the sub amp http://www.edesignaudio.com/edv2/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=44 hope that helps to get you started in the right direction, if you need anything else pm me
Jus dont get some bullshit no name shit. Like ive seen 1200 watt amps going for like $150, But in reality they barley push 300 watts RMS.
Yeah right, go to the pawn shop they have way better deals. You can get good-name subs, with the box, amp and sometime a deck for like under 200.
Alpine for everything, you will not regret it. JBL also makes great amps, JL makes some good subs, kicker subs are not bad. make ur own box if i know how cuz then u get the sizing right. Id suggest a sealed box rather than ported or bandpass.
Definitely don't go to a pawn shop...wtf. You actually want warranty with your products and i doubt a pawn shop gives 2-3 year warranties. Best way is to find deals online cause local shops have some fucked up jacked up prices. JL audio, alpine, cerwin vega, infinity kappas, polk audio, boston acoustics, Focal...these are the brands you should be looking at. If your upgrading the speakers, I would go with Boston Acoustics. I have stock 6 speaker BA's system in my charger and for a stock system that shit is loud enough, clear enough, and just with the midbass woofers I get good enough bass for a stock system. But if you get some aftermarket boston acoustics, you'll love how they perform. As far as subs go...don't go above 12" cause bigger subs will distort more. Make sure you get the proper subwoofer enclosure for the specific subs you'll be getting cause that shit matters a lot. You can get some good subs and get the wrong type of enclosure and they will sound like shit. And like i always say don't cheap out on your wiring kit cause you don't want "weak links" in your system. Get a 2gage wiring kit for your subs/amp, a good capacitor, and a good 200 AMP fuse. And the last but not least....turn them shits up fool!!!!
use google searches as a reference to what "no-name" brands are. Pyle and Pyramid are those types of "no-name" brands you wanna watch out for, even though they've become more well known through ebay power sellers. When you get to some of the really nice stuff from smaller companies who dont spend money on advertising, dont dismiss them just because you haven't heard of them. Just do some research online through audio enthusiast forums and you'll have plenty of good consumer knowledge.
i got my system hooked up at a audio shop, plus i didnt buy it at the first store i saw. took me a good 2 weeks to settle on what i wanted and for the price. I got 2 12's in the trunk now with a 1200 fosgate amp, a 7" dvd/tv player in the dash and 2 6'9's and 4 tweeters, 1 for every door in the car. total i spent like 900, but i gave extra for tip(wont say how much, but a hefty tip). I also got pro. installation, they coudlnbt have done it any better. You cant see any wires for shit. Oh and they also threw in a pager remote control alarm for free. Dont say its IMPOSSIBLE. All i did was grab the PENNYSAVER, visit the local shops and bargain like a mofo. GL DOG. The bass hitting the back of your seat FEELS GOOD, only thing is dont get carried away and bump it like a mofo cuz cops is everywhere. What i love most of my system though is that the bass doesnt overpower the vocals of a track and the louder i put it the better and clearer it sounds
I have crossfire amps, and Blaupunkt subs, and factory replacements. its not much but it works for me
Its all about that Memphis comp baby! I like infinity too, I switched my infinity system outta my sable for the memphis, now I got the memphis in my supra.
I have a 800 watt 10" Polk sub in a sealed box, stuffed with "poly-fill" (this made a HUGE difference, for 2 bucks!) driven by a 300 watt pioneer amp, going to be getting a 750 watt pioneer sub soon. It's nice because the bass doesn't overpower everything else, but it's not very loud when the seat is up, I usually drive around with the backseat down, and it is fucking powerful then! 2 pioneer 6x9's, and 2 pioneer 6 1/2's. For everything, it was probably like 500 bucks all together. I also did the instalation myself. It's very easy to do. The hardest part is running wires.
Try to find a sound advice around your area and go for JL's if you got the money go for W7 if ur a lil low go for W6 v2's there the same internal and external design as W7 jus w6v2s need less power too
I agree 100% on the boston acoustics, Thas some quality right there. Everything you mentioned is good but damn im suprised by the quality of BA's, I got two home speakers of theres and damn thas some good quality. I know alot of shit since my pops works at a car audio store and everybody i knows down with it. Personally i tend to like Fosgate and Precision Power amps. Those two brands never failed but. But they HELLA hard to work on if you blow em. See thas why i like fools buying these cheap $150 '1200' watt amps. They blow em, I charged em $80ish bucks to fix em because they a simple fix, Open it up and aient shit in there haha. 80 bucks profit ya herd. But go to a car audio dealer or the likes and do some research before you make any decisiosn. And also if you have a buddy or something whos good on hooking shit up look into that. I know at my pops work shit'll cost ya like $50 jus to put a new cd deck in jus for the labor. I mean most shit take like 5 minutes or less work and $50.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2006...010QQitemZ200154086082QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2-Ro...020QQitemZ300153588209QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW any of these look good?
I got 2 15" Rockford Fosgate Punch Zs needing an amp to complete the package. Anyone know a good cheap amp for these? (400 max watt, 150 rms, 8 ohm) Im pretty inexperienced with car audio and i just picked these up from my friend for $40 in a box, they couldnt fit in his car. Any help is appreciated.
All I can say is www.carauidodeals.com . The best website ever. I got my 900w system(2 12 inch subs/Audiobahn, 900watt amp, with a 1.5 farad LED capacitor) for less than 200 dollars shipped