Syria's next :)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hoboleader, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. first article: 05:48 05/08/2011

    I'll wait until someone in the whitehouse speaks...
  2. I just think if we can't get our nation in order, if we have cops killing and beating innocent civilians, too, perhaps we should work on fixing that first....

  3. Per National Safety Council Estimates, you are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist.
  4. It might be libya it might be syria, but im almost 100% sure there will be a new war within the next few months.

    Its all scripted.

  5. I dont care what obama says we are at war in libya.
  6. This was obvious. Where ever there is a power vacuum in the Mid-East the empire tries to swallow one more.
  7. Mo money mo' problems.

    Prepare thine selves Syria's tyrants. America is coming to FSU.
  8. ^Don't forget about the innocent civilians who will most assuredly be hit with Drones.
  9. im talkin ground troops, artillery, tanks that kinda stuff. not just pressing a button behind a computer and destroying infrastructure + bombing with aircraft while simultaneously arming and funding the rebels, thats all text book standard operating procedure.

    Now that the rebels have pretty much lost against ghadaffi, They might actually invade. Of course it there will need to be some kind of justification to attack these countries.
  10. I think Obama is evil enough to keep wiping out villages with airstrikes until all the loyalists die or give up. NATO has been increasing the rate of attacks. They're just relentlessly bombing now... I might even halfway support it if Obama attempted to be convincing about the operation, but he doesn't even talk about it anymore and doesn't seem to care what Americans (or congress) think either way...
  11. from what ive heard the rebels got pwned. completely failed in taking libya, similar to the bay of pigs invasion, when the CIA trained cubans in guatemala so they could overthrow castro or whatever. Well the bay of pigs failed miserably.

    theres millions of libyans armed with ak47's and RPG's. the rebels dont stand a chance. I dont believe that you can win in libya, without carpet bombing entire cities.
  12. And that's precisely what we're going to do. We will win if tearing down the regime is winning. We dont need ground troops we can just keep killing nobody is stopping us. Imagine being a 3rd world citizen up against NATO sea and aircraft...scary shit man.

    Check out this guy's channel. He interviews loyalists
  13. well there not 3rd world citizens. libya was the most industrialized place in africa. If i had to choose one place to live in africa, it would be libya (before nato invaded).

    You can exhaust ghadaffi's conventional army. sure, thats what NATO is good at. But when it comes down to it, they cant occupy libya. Theres far to many pro-ghadaffi citizens, that will die for there country. Ghadaffi has armed up all his supporters with ak47's and RPG's. literally millions of libyans armed up. Not just men, but women to.

    if your going to actually try and take it over, it would be vietnam x2.

  14. I think we will kill gaddafi, prop up some pro west dictator and sells them a shitload of arms, then leave. We shall see

  15. Perhaps a AQ/US coalition force ?

    The US military cannot seem to do anything efficiently. Perhaps with the addition of some highly trained AQ donkeys and the knowledge to build homemade helicopter blasters they might become effective...

    Gotta hand it to the NeoCon's they will suck any cock to get what they want...:)
  16. #40 AlienBlood, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2011
    I used to laugh at people saying the world needs to be required to smoke weed at least once. Then I realized it's a requirement if world peace is ever going to be realized. We need to think outside the box. Think Anthrax mailings but instead of deadly chemicals we can send world leaders thc dust, if only there was a way it gets you high on contact. Think outside the box people! Send "thank you treats" to Obama and the pentagon for keeping us safe but load em with shrooms perhaps....errr the legal ones of course ;)

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