Syrian loyalists massacre children (GRAPHIC!)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by UU_ood, May 27, 2012.

  1. Thankfully, just about every time we get a thread where someone claims we need to "intervene NOW."
  2. Why can't I hypothetically create a militia and fly myself over their to fight them?

    Is that illegal by the way. I mean in the US. Syrian laws i obviously wouldn't care about...

    Im not in a position to be a fighter, and I don't have any military friends...

    But who here would oppose or support the idea of non-US-governmental fighting groups against tyrants?

  3. You would not have to bother with flying anywhere.

    You should start at home. :)
  4. The people of the nazi germany were brainwashed but if you can recall several attempts at coups and other government overthrow attempts were made, the people would have woken up sooner or later to the propaganda. Some people were aware of the German propaganda
  5. Drop a nuke on these genocidical bastards... IF they can take these many lives of INNOCENT FUCKING CHILDREN we should fucking cut their organs out 1 by 1 WHILE THEY ARE ALIVE AND MAKE THEM FUCKING WATCH :mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. so..

    drop a nuke on their country and kill everyone including the children who we are nuking them to save in the first place?

  7. You don't have a big brother who goes by the name of garrison by any chance ?
  8. I don't understand why people would do this? Wtf?
  9. #29 UU_ood, May 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
    Where did somebody claim we need to intervene? The closest I found was somebody saying to assassinate the guy. Then you have knee-jerk reaction rants on why the US shouldn't intervene. And no, your rant had nothing to do with the video. It was all about how the US shouldn't intervene in a foreign country.

    Obviously we shouldn't invade. But do we really need another topic all about how America shouldn't invade.

  10. To be fair, in the first post you did mention how it must be stopped. And the most common idea that people seem to have for it is US military intervention.

    I'll pose my on topic question again to you. What do you think should be done to stop this? Both sides are responsible for travesties like this. So what should we do?
  11. Reason why America go to war is to get down dictators? Nice joke... surely it will not be oil right?

    EDIT: Video is horible...

  12. I have no problem at all with this. I'm just against a government intervening in any foreign affairs. Any government's only legitimate military function is the protection of its own people and its own land/borders. Their role is purely defensive in nature, never offensive. Only responsive, never pro-active. If this isn't followed, we get imperialism and nation building.

    Anyone who wants to voluntarily fight in some foreign entanglement is totally different. 1) They are using their own money, or money otherwise voluntarily collected. 2) There is no chance of such a strike becoming a permanent occupation (as is guaranteed if a state intervenes) 3) A private group fighting anywhere in the world wouldn't diminish domestic liberties in any way, whereas governmental conflicts always lead to suspension of individual liberties at home, that rarely return once the conflict is over.

    In sum, "war is the health of the state". I'm not a pacifist, hell if you actually did something like that I might even donate some funds to help you out. I'm just 100% against governmental intervention because they are a group of psychopaths whose very nature is violence and coercion, and these are the people who we want to entrust with human lives? I don't think so.
  13. #33 UU_ood, May 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2012
    To be fair, I said the leader must be stopped. Do you disagree that a massacring maniac should be stopped? Personally I think diplomatic relations with Syria should be cut off. Any reasonable country should agree.

    And lay low it is pretty shocking you think Hitler should not have been stopped. You'd let him take over Europe and massacre all the Jews, gypsies, gays, etc...
  14. I didn't say any of that. Straw man bro.

  15. So what were you saying yes to?

  16. The US shouldn't have got involved. I just gave a one word answer because the question was stupid.
  17. Blah blah straw man. Yes, because I think massacring maniacs are just fine and should be allowed to do whatever they want. Kill all the children in the world for all i care! Come on bro. Just because I don't support the US occupying Syria doesn't mean I think that massacring children is cool.

    Again. I ask you, what should be done?
  18. Mind if I ask you the same question? I'm interested to see what you think should be done.

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