Syria and Iran engineered hurricane Sandy?!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by HelloFriend, Oct 31, 2012.

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  1. And you won't get far with this mentality...

  2. That storm was weak as shit, they better engineer some more crucial storms next time

  3. If you call all storms engineered, eventually you'll get to one that is bad enough to make their deluded fantasies make sense

  4. Hey dude, YOU are the ones talking always on here: "Conspiracy!, its a Conspiracy!" hahaha. What do I got to do with it?
  5. lol you guys fail so bad . haha. another thing is will you dare to admit it. haha
  6. [quote name='"HelloFriend"']


    I think u dont really know the true meaning of Paranoia.. here let me have it for you:

    "Paranoia [ˌpærəˈnɔɪ.ə] (adjective: paranoid [ˈpærə.nɔɪd]) is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself. (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me.") Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia. For example, an incident most people would view as an accident or coincidence, a paranoid person might believe was intentional."
    be ?

    Seriously... you being misinformed and always living in denial is your own problem and has nothing to do with ME being paranoid hahaha. How can you even come up with such a stupid thing to say ?[/quote]

    Lol so wait, you're not paranoid yet you believe something most people believe to be accident or coincidence, was intentional?

    Did you even read the shit you copy/pasted?

  7. :confused:

  8. Based on your earlier threads you should have known what the reaction was going to be for this post, yet you decided to make it anyways. So either you want to stir shit up or you just want to post your opinion without anyone disagreeing, which sure as fuck isn't going to happen.
  9. HelloFriend you are really into conspiracy theories lol I saw your post on the "reptilian shapeshifter proof" thread.

    Many conspiracies involving weather control are pretty lame. The closest one to being "accurate" is the HAARP theory of weather manipulation. Check it out.

  10. You see.. everytime I post something, someone comes up and saying that its just another conspiracy theory, and you are blaming ME? Its their problem that they think that everything what they dont wanna believe or what wont fit into their minds is conspiracy, you should send those pictures to them not to me.

  11. ofcourse it wont happen, because everything is conspiracy for you guys... I dont know what they put into your drinks in America, but its making you look ridicilous hahaha.

  12. You ever stop to think that maybe we all call you out on this shit for a reason?

    Why can't it just be a hurricane? Why the fuck does it have to be a storm that was created? lol
  13. [quote name='"HelloFriend"']

    Seriously... you being misinformed and always living in denial is your own problem and has nothing to do with ME being paranoid hahaha. How can you even come up with such a stupid thing to say ?[/quote]

    Hypocrisy at its finest
  14. False, I created it to prove the East Coast is a myth made by Californians to thin the herd a bit.

  15. You just don't get it, do you? We recognize these insane ideas of yours as conspiracy theories because they are fucking retarded and don't make any god damn sense, not because we don't want to believe it.

    In fact, don't even reply, let me do it for you:

    "no ur just brainwashed and stupid u big dummy herp derp derp"
  16. [quote name='"Blaze"']

    You ever stop to think that maybe we all call you out on this shit for a reason?

    Why can't it just be a hurricane? Why the fuck does it have to be a storm that was created? lol[/quote]

    Look at the "Proof Reptilians Exist thread" Dr. House and you will AGAIN see the "truth" of how stupid we all are for not believing OP.

    Idk why there are soo many children on this thread who look up things on YouTube or conspiracy sites and then take them as truth.

  17. It does not always have to be. Dude perhaps you should ask those questions from Washington Post aswell if you are so into it :D I only delivered. :D

  18. I can't even comprehend you anymore.
  19. #59 HelloFriend, Oct 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2012
    :D thanks for a good laugh. U must be some low-life :D

    Disrespect is not allowed here. - KSR
  20. [quote name='"HelloFriend"']

    It does not always have to be. Dude perhaps you should ask those questions from Washington Post aswell if you are so into it :D I only delivered. :D[/quote]

    You delivered another conspiracy theory :/ unfortunately there is not enough evidence to support your claim...again..
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