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Synthetic Urine

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by timbs, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I have to take a UA for my substance abuse doctor (I was addicted to painkillers)...The tests he uses give you results on the spot. They are quality tests, I was hot for THC after not smoking for two weeks, which normally does the trik for me. The way it works is there is a line and if its all the way visible you pass, if its blurry you fail...

    Do you think synthetic urine is an option for me? I hear it works, but I also know that its detectable by some tests. Any advice for me?
  2. Just get someone to pee in a bag for you...
  3. unfortunantly all my friends smoke lol

  4. Just do like kids who want beer do...

    Stand outside of the urine analysis testing facility or w/e you are going and ask the kind people going in to spot you a few drops, eventually you will have enough.
  5. Most of your local smoke shops will have something called "Quick Fix" I used it when I was ordered to 6 months treatment. I got through treatment and was getting random piss tests every week.. And this is by a big clinic that the courts made me go to...

    I used quick fix every week and smoked as much weed as I wanted to!!

    If you get to pee in the cup in the bathroom "out of others eye" Then you can just poor the bottle into the pee cup...

    But if they watch you while you do it, then I would recommend buying "pee Pouch" Which is a pouch around your waste under your pants with the fake urine in it and you pull a tube through your fly and drain into the cup...

    Which is what I did for 6 mounths.. And they where so proud of me for being clean lol!! :D

    Quick Fix Urine

    (all u need is the pouch, some hand warmers, and the quick fix)
  6. just used magnum detox synth myself, first time subbing. it was for a pre-emp that i really needed to pass. the test was a escreen ecup instant test conducted at a lab. passing this test was a must, and diluting bit me in the ass in the recent past. i was really nervous but it seemed to work. got my welcome email a few hours later. i just practiced a bunch the prior day, just followed the directions. On the way to the clinic i really wanted to keep the temp up, so i used a hot heart massager which heats up pretty good. i can always cool it down in the bathroom. checked it before i went in it was around 98. practicing definitely gave me the xtra confidence to pull it off calmly. good luck

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