Swiss Study Finds Marijuana Use Alone May Benefit Some Teens, U.S. Doctor Disagrees

Discussion in 'General' started by Purpose420, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. I read that the other day.

    While I'm all for ALL for it... I'm the first to admit that when I get high I'm downright stupid.

    Case in point- back in high school physical science class, early in my burning days, I took a test after having ripped a huge spliff at lunchtime. I got something like a 20%, on a mostly multiple choice test, and this was a class where my avg was in the 90s. A few days later the teacher calls me over after class and asks me what happened, and I tell her I wasn't feeling well that day. She allowed me to redo the test orally on the spot and I got 100%.

    This was the day I learned that while it may make me creative in some ways, it sure doesn't do me right in class.
  2. Wow... you really can't handle your high. No offense.
  3. Everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently to marijuana.
  4. Not really a matter of being able to handle your high, the way each person reacts Depends on the strain.

  5. When refering to marijuana-users the study is talking about people who smoke weed in general, not those who go to tests high. Nobodys gonna argue that weed doesnt impair abilities to do certain things while under the influence... You said it yourself, after you were done being high you went and took the test and got 100%.

  6. From my experience, when your a new kind of smoker, and just a few times into it, you can have a hard time controling it. ESPECIALLY in class and taking a test.

    You get used to it and it gets a lot better.
  7. back when i was in HIGH school heh, i did better when i was high then sober, why? not sure its like i knew i've seen the answers before, I was a C-B average student. but, afterwards when i went into World History we had a discussion and i didnt remember any of the discussion we had the previus day. so yeah, must depend on who you are or something.
  8. Ya they are talking about marijuana users period. Not people who are high at school which obviously will degrade your mental capabilities to some degree. This is talking more on the permanent side of effects.
  9. I focus better on weed if I only smoke a little bit which doesn't last long...
    If i ate a small firecracker then I would probably focus a lot longer...might try that someday lol
  10. If your body reacts so drastically, that means you can't handle it. Different words, same essential meaning.
  11. IMO for classes like creative writing, it makes a HUGE difference...but for more structural classes like High Level Math (Calculus) it tends to make things harder.

    So, I medicate accordingly :).

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