Swimming pool Gravity bong

Discussion in 'General' started by Rastafurry, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Okay so first when i start off, i googled the idea and couldnt find it. me and my friend have already done this, and we like to think we are the first to do it . but who the fuck knows. this is a story from the summer, i was just thinking of how ridiculous this was and felt like sharing.

    Anyways, we took a giant sparkletts water jug (the kind that goes on water coolers ) and cut the bottom off with a bonesaw
    then i rigged this awesome lid that could accomodate a normal glass slider bowl.

    So we got in the pool ,
    loaded a big ass bowl (its such a waste of herb. We were loading .7 to .8 of dank in it)
    and slowly started pulling the heavy ass jug up. soo much suction. the whole thing milky as fuck...
    And I swim under and put my head in it, as my friend works the carb on the top to keep me from dying (we were still figuring out how to use this monstorus gasmask/gravity bong)
    taking huge deep breaths inside of this small jug, felt so intense. i opened my eyes and couldnt see shit, but all i could do was keep breathing in or out , about 8 or 9 breaths before i ripped the thing off my head and coughed my lungs out and spat out the side of pool for 10 minutes
    Then my friend tried it, and he coughed his ass off for 10 minutes as well.

    Then we swam around stoned as a muhphukka :smoking:

    Anyone else ever did some crazy pool smoking shit?
  2. that sounds epic, i want to try that
  3. I wouldn't do it, because of the chlorine in the pool water. But that's just me
  4. MMMM..Chlorine:yummy:
  5. for something fun to try once it sounds awesome haha
  6. I don't see how chlorine would get into the smoke. I mean the smoke doesnt even bubble through the water with a gravity bong, it just sits on top. I dont see how this would be any different than just breathing the air on top of the water, or like when you are a kid and flip a raft upside down and swim up into the pocket of air underneath. The cholorine is in the water not the air.
  7. Me and a few friends did this same way you did but a little bigger bowl and it was so harsh we just took a few hoses and rigged them to the top of the water jug so multiple people could hit the gigantic gb swat
  8. Yeah my first thought was chlorine as well. Well actually my first thought was damn that'd be cool but then chlorine came :bongin:
    and your smoke is percolating in the water so I would think harmful chemicals in the water would fuck with the smoke
  9. There's not really any percolation, it's just using the water to create the vacuum
  10. I don't know mannn pretty sketchy stuffff :bongin: :D
  11. salt water pool and do it up!

    i dont have any kind of pool i could do this in anyway
  12. I don't know if a small exposure to chlorine like in this instance would be enough to do any major damage, but I'm willing to bet your hit didn't taste very good because of it. Who knows, the chlorine could have been what made you cough for so long :confused_2:
  13. Yeah,my buddy told me about how he did this a long time ago.

    Personally though,I wouldn't do it cause it seems like a waste of weed,I mean by the time the chamber is done filling up that smoke is pretty stale.

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