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Swiching lights in 2 rooms

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by caravelas, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. I want to make 2 rooms with 4 hps lamps in each room, then swiching the lights under bloom. 12/12...lights will be on 24h
    Anybody know where to buy a swich for that???

    Need some help!
  2. Do you mean a timer?

    Not sure what yo mean by a switch.
  3. A swich is a box that let u go from 1 to 2 without any energy dip. I has to give energy to room 1 and then directly to room 2 (when u switch). A timer setup would be complicated and not relyable.

    I was thinking to make a double room for blomming (lights on 24 h)
  4. Thanks for the info!

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