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Sweet Tooth

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Graffix, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Sup everone. Just had a quick question..

    Basically I've got a shit load of regular outdoor.. cheap shit ya know.. keep the college kids happy.. but ive also go a little over a zip of some sweet tooth.. i understand its the 01 cannabis cup winner, shit really is quite amazing weed. What I'm wondering is, what does an oz of sweet tooth typically go for? Just wondering if I got ripped or did good etc.

    wish i could post pics but my phone would not do either of them justice so its better not to bother
  2. You need to post where you live, prices vary drastically according to geographical location
  3. truly it depends
  4. upstate ny.. actually would only take me a walk and a ferry ride to get into VT
  5. in my area (se pa) a zip of that type of shit would prolly go for around 350-400
  6. here any dank is the same price no matter what the strain

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