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Sweet mind trick! Worked on me!

Discussion in 'General' started by Snap, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. #1 Snap, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
  2. Nope, didnt work on me.
  3. Ha, I picked 7
  4. Aw man. that's unfortunate :(.In my mind I changed my answer right before and it got me.
  5. I chose 6.
  6. Same here
  7. I picked 6, haha.
  8. I said 8

    and for the 2nd one I said broccoli
  9. i chose 8. was that not a choice? .. damn im baked.
  10. LOL I said 6 too.
  11. Worked for me... Haha.
  12. Neither of those test worked on me, i thought 12 instead of 7 and tomato instead of carrot haha.
  13. Tomato isn't a vegetable. It's a fruit....i think.

  14. haha i thought tomato too
  15. Yes a tomato is a fruit.
  16. Yeah, it is. I still consider them vegetables though, because they're disgusting like vegetables. :mad:
  17. hah, i picked 7

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